001 ; arriving

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what you could only guess to be multiple hours ago, you boarded the plane to England. it would be around a twelve hour flight, so you had decided to fall asleep the moment you got on the plane.

you'd already used up enough energy trying to hold back from going for any yummy looking people at the airport, and the girl seated next to you on the plane was so, so, cute!

she had pretty brown hair cut into a bob-cut. and her round brown eyes were so cool!

so sleeping was the alternative to stabbing her, you didn't particularly want to get kicked off the plane before you could even make it to England.

and now you were awake, but looking out the window, you only had a few minutes left before you would be landing.

you could see the airport a little while away and you noticed how the plane seemed to be lowering towards the ground.

and just as you had said, around ten minutes later, you had landed and were waiting for everybody else to get off the plane.

once the two people beside you had left, you got up and grabbed your luggage from up top.

you didn't have much packed, but you had put every ounce of your money into a wallet, which to be honest, wasn't much. you can't really earn much as a non-working, parent-less, eleven year old, could you? but you had a fair amount from pick pocketing.

you mainly had some clothes and shoes, you made sure to pack every article of clothing you owned, which all of it managed to be cute outfits you shop lifted. you also had a few pair of plain flats, either brown or black.

and if you were wondering how you had managed to board a plane with a knife on you, you didn't. unfortunately, you had to leave your knife hidden somewhere back in japan, you could just steal a new one here, anyways.

you awe at the bright lights as you exit the airport after grabbing your other bag.

it wasn't as cool as japan, but it was still pretty awesome.

your first priority, was to steal a knife. you didn't like not having one on you, so you would rent a small hotel for a few weeks before school started and place all your items there.

you had already sent back a confirmation letter to Hogwarts, that owl had come back a day or two later so you could let them know you would be attending.

❦ ════ •⊰❂⊱• ════ ❦


you walk into the hotel with an innocent look on your face, backpack on your back, and suitcase dragging behind you.

you walk up to the counter and ring the bell.

the lady attendant peers over the desk, but her eyes widen slightly seeing a child.

you look up at her with innocent eyes, she tilts her head, "where are your parents, dear?"

you make your lip tremble slightly, "mummy and daddy.. i don't know.. i don't think they're here anymore" you say with a heavy accent.

her eyes widen slightly at your accent, but she looks down at you in pity.

"oh dear.." she could already pick up what that meant.

she sighs, "how about this, you can stay here as long as you need, dear. free of charge."

you hold back a grin as you look up at her with happy eyes, "a-are you sure, miss?"

she smiles down at you and nods, handing you a key to one of the rooms.

you smile and bow at her before running off to your new room, she smiles softly

what a sweet child



you made sure to choose a rather expensive hotel, but not one too expensive.

people were just too gullible, but it was good. you didn't have to waste any of your money here and you had a place to rest until September.

the power of innocence was greater than any other.

you look up at the roof, today, you would find a knife somewhere and take it. next week sometime, you would go to this 'Diagon Alley' and get your school supplies.

but your main, and only priority at the moment, was to get a weapon back on you.

you stretch and put your luggage beside your bed, you would pack it away when you got back. you place your key into your coat pocket and exit your room.

you close your door after locking it and run your fingers through your hair as you walk back down the hall, your innocent eyes go back on as you approach the lady at the front.

you walk by her, "u-uhm, i'm going to go out.." you say quietly.

she nods with a smile, "be careful, okay?" she places something in your hand, you look down at it, pepper spray.

you hold back a grin, you smile up gratefully at her, "thank you very much! have a nice day, miss!"

"just call me momo, dear. or you can call me yaoyorozu, if you'd like"

you smile, "okay momo-chan!"

you wave to her as you skip out of the building, storing the small hint of pepper spray in the opposite pocket to your key.



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words ; 916

date posted ; 07/03/22


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