103 ; the order of the phoenix

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you had been half-asleep and half-awake most of the time, it was kind of hard to sleep knowing that you had just been expelled and kicked out from basically the only place you could call home.

you sit up, grabbing your wand, the key falls from the door to the floor, you both stand up.

the door bursts open in a shine of light.

"very clean, these muggles"

"tonks, for god's sake"


you raise an eyebrow.

"professor moody. what are you doing here?" harry asks.

"rescuing you two, of course"

you blink.

you all go back down the stairs and out the front door.

"but where are we going? the letter said we've been expelled from hogwarts"

"well, you haven't been. not yet. kingsley you take point"

"but the letter said-" you continue.

"dumbledore persuaded the minister to suspend both of yours expulsion.. pending a formal hearing"

"a hearing?"

"uh huh"

you blink.

"don't worry, you two. we'll explain everything when we get back to headquarters" a girl says, moody shushes her, "not here, nymphadora"

she looks at moody angrily, "don't call me nymphadora" her hair turns red, your lips part.

moody hits his walking stick on the ground twice, multiple brooms fly out and into everyone's hands.

you had a broom, yes. you got it in your second year, just in case. you didn't really fly it, though, so let's hope you don't get lost.

"stay in formation, everyone. don't break ranks if one of us is killed"

you all shoot up into the air.

you fly over the water, passing the boats and shooting through the bridge. 

after a while of flying, you hit the ground, landing in a park.

you shake your legs, flying was fun but made you feel weird.

moody opens the gate and you all walk through, "come on"

you walk up to a large row of buildings.

moody hits his walking stick on the ground in some kind of pattern, and next minute the buildings were moving apart, forming a brand new building.

glancing into the lit up windows, you blink. the muggles didn't seem to even notice what was happening. like at all.

and once it was done, it looked just like all the others.

"in you two go"

you both walk in, glancing around. people were talking in another room, but you couldn't really decipher it.

moody pushes passed you both, the one known as kingsley places a hand on both of your shoulders as he walks by and the one known as nymphadora, or as she liked to be called, tonks, gives you both a wink.

you both walk down the hall, glancing into the room.

you could see sirius in the room, harry would certainly be happy about that.

"harry, [name]" mrs. weasley walks out, smiling at you two.

"mrs. weasley" harry says.

she closes the door, "heavens, you're both alright"

she wraps her arms around the two of you.

"bit peaky, but i'm afraid dinner will have to wait until after the meetings' finished"

harry tries to say something, "nope. not time to explain. straight upstairs, first door on the left.

you both nod, walking up the stairs.

"mudblood, werewolves, traitors, thieves. if my poor mistress knew the scum they let into her house.. what would she say to old kreacher? oh, the shame"

you glance at the house elf as you both walk passed him.

opening the door, you're met with hermione running forward and hugging you both.

"harry, [name]!"

she pulls back, "are you alright? we overheard them talking about the dementor attack"

you both nod.

"you must tell us everything"

"let them breathe, hermione"

"and this hearing at the ministry. it's outrageous.i've looked it up. they simply can't expel you. it's completely unfair"

"yeah. there's a lot of that going around at the moment"

you purse your lips awkwardly, standing by hermione and looking around.

"so, what is this place?" harry asks.

"it's headquarters"

"of the order of the phoenix. it's a secret society. dumbledore formed it back when they first fought you-know-who"

"couldn't have put any of this in a letter, i suppose? i've gone all summer without a scrap of news"

"we wanted to write, mate. we really did. only.."

"only what?"

"only dumbledore made us swear not to tell you anything"

"dumbledore said that? wha- but why would he want to keep me in the dark? maybe i could help. after all i'm the one who saw voldemort return.. the one who fought him , i'm the one who saw cedric diggory get killed"

you jump back as the twins pop up behind harry.


"thought we heard your dulcet tones"

"don't bottle it up, though, mate. let it out"

"anyway, if you're all done shouting.."

"do you wanna hear something a little more interesting?"



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words ; 770

date posted ; 23/04/22


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