083 ; beauxbatons and durmstrang

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hagrid was down the bottom, waving some circles around and guiding them to the runway, but one went down too far, nearly hitting him in the head and then the cart went down too low so hagrid had to duck out of the way.

"well, there's something you don't see every day"

you grin.

everyone's eyes next go to a small boat with a man using a handheld telescope.

"woah!" you shout as the little boat turns big. like big big. like giant.

it looked fancy as and had the flag flying about.



you pout, crossing your arms.

since you had been told this was a formal event, you had to sit at the slytherin table.

"this castle will not only be your home this year.."

the door opens, you glance back at flich who was running forwards.

"..but home to some very special guests as well"

you follow filch with your eyes.

"you see, hogwarts has been chosen.."

filch runs up to dumbledore, telling him something.

you raise an eyebrow, resting the side of your head in your hand.

you were sat at the end of the table, there were a few free spots to the left of you and on the opposite of you. you wonder what those seats were for, considering all the first years had been sorted and seated. but you shrug, maybe there just weren't as many first years this year.

you weren't sat next to anyone in particular, just one of the new first years.

you rub your forehead as filch runs back out.

"so, hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event : the triwizard tournament"

you raise an eyebrow as people start muttering excitedly.

"now, for those of you who do not know... the triwizard tournament brings together three schools.. for a series of magical contests. from each school, a single students is selected to compete. now let me be clear. if chosen, you stand alone. and trust me when i say.. these contests are not for the faint-hearted"

you perk up slightly,

so that means they're dangerous! yay~!

"but more of that later. for now, please join me in welcoming.. the lovely ladies of the beauxbatons academy of magic"

all heads turn to the doors as they push open, "and their headmistress, madam maxine"

a bunch of beautiful ladies dressed in blue uniforms with blue hats walkin formally.

doing a flattering sigh and holding their hand out to the rows as they walk by.

they get to the front, doing a small curtsy as blue magic butterflies float out.

your eyes go wide and your hand falls out from beneath your head - smacking your head on the table - as you catch sight of a very large lady. she was even taller than hagrid.

you rub your head as everyone starts to clap.

dumbledore raises his arms, "and now our friends from the north. please greet the proud sons of durmstrang.. and their high master, igor karkaroff"

everyone turns to the doors again, now a bunch of bulky males walk in, hitting their staffs on the ground.

you frown,

they better not be breaking the floor with those

they run passed, doing some sort of dance as they reach the front, you raise an eyebrow,

the hell are they doing?

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words ; 570

date posted ; 21/04/22


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