133 ; felix felicis

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you hadn't wanted to take potions, but hermione insisted that you did. so now you were stuck in the potions room with her, being taught who-knows-what my slughorn.

"attention to detail in the preparation is the prerequisite of all planning"

your attention turns to ron and harry as they come through the door.

"ah. harry, my boy, i was beginning to worry. we've brought someone with us, i see"

"ron weasley, sir" ron greets.

you glance at lavender, who looked awfully happy ron was there.

"but i'm dead awful at potions, a menace, actually. i'm probably just gonna.."

"nonsense, we'll sort you out. any friend of harry's is a friend of mine. get your books out"

why's he sound like he's got a crush on harry or something..

"sorry, sir. i haven't actually got my book yet, and nor has ron"

"not to worry. get what you want from the cupboard. now, as i was saying, i prepared some concoctions this morning. any ideas what these might be?"

hermione's hand sticks right up.

"yes, miss..?"

"granger, sir" she steps up, "that one there is veritaserum. it's a truth telling serum. and that would be polyjuice potion"

your attention turns to ron and harry again who seemed to be fighting over something in the cupboard, you raise an eyebrow.

"it's terribly tricky to make. and this is amortentia... the most powerful love potion in the world. it's rumoured to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them. for example, i smell.. freshly mown grass, and new parchment, and.. spearmint toothpaste"

she blinks, heading back beside you, you raise an eyebrow at her.

"now, amortentia doesn't create actual love. that would be impossible. but it does cause a powerful infatuation or obsession"

most of the girls lean forward.

"and for that reason, it is probably the most dangerous potion in this room" he puts the lid back on it, all the girls step back.

"sir? you haven't told us what's in that one" a girl nods over to a very tiny vile.

"oh, yes. what you see before you, ladies and gentleman... is a curious little potion known as felix felicis. but it is more commonly referred to as.."

"liquid luck" hermione finishes.

"yes, miss granger. liquid luck. desperately tricky to make, disastrous should you get it wrong.  one sip and you will find that all of your endeavours succeed. at least until the effects wear off"

you raise your eyebrows.

"so, this is what i offer each of you today. one tiny vial of liquid luck to the student who, in the hour that remains.. manages to brew and acceptable draught of living death.. the recipes of which can be found on page 10 of your books"

you all open up your books.

"i should point out, however, only once did a students manage to brew a potion of sufficient quality to claim this prize. nevertheless, good luck to you all"

wow. how kind.

"let the brewing commence"

you all head over to your cauldrons.

you hold the sopophorous bean under your palm, attempting to cut it before it can shoot away.

as yours was still stuck under your palm, you look over to harry. he was successfully holding his bean over his cauldron.

"how did you do that?" hermione questions.

"crush it. don't cut it"

"no. the instructions specifically say to cut" hermione says.

"no, really"

you glance at your book, it did say to cut.

you shrug, holding the bean down and crushing it with your knife. you wonder if slughorn would notice if you just took one of these?

you mix the substance in your cauldron, ducking down as something large and green shoots out and onto the floor behind you.

sweat-dropping, you continue to follow the instructions.

they didn't seem all that effective, though. nobody was seeming to do well. well, except harry. he hadn't had any problems that you could see.

after a while, slughorn came by to test the draughts. yours, hermiones and rons had failed terribly. he next moved on to harry, dropping it in, it dissolved into nothing.

"merlin's beard! it is perfect!" he chuckles excitedly.

hermione smiles thinly.

"so perfect, i daresay one drop would kill us all"

you deadpan at harry,

how did he do that?

after that was all done, everyone stood and watched slughorn presenting harry with the potion.

"so here we are, then, as promised. one vile of felix felicis. congratulations. use it well"

you shake you head, clapping slightly with the others.



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words ; 729

date posted ; 4/05/22


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