Chapter 4

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[ A/N:

Hello! Sorry for such long delay! Been preeetty busy hehehe... Hope you enjoy this short update!]

~Miyoung POV~

"So where do we go now? Since the roof is off limits..." Suho asked as we continued to search around for a new meeting spot. We only had half an hour of our break left and we still hadn't came up with any sort of plan whatsoever. Letting out a frustrated sigh, I leaned against the nearest wall to think of whatever possibility we have left.

"There's no way we can go to the library, or the class. There'll be too many prying eyes and ears."

"We need a place where we can discuss our plans without worry of being over heard. Some where empt-"

"How about here?!"

Stopping in our tracks, the group look to where Baekhyun had pointed out. An empty unused classroom! Thr group started patting Baekhyun on the back, praising him for his sharp eyes.

We surveyed the area to make sure there were nobody around before invading the class. Once in, we split into pairs to set up the place.

Baekhyun and Kyungsoo rushed to close all windows and pulled the curtain closed.

Luhan and Xiumin dusted the desk and chairs, before pushing them together for us to use.

Tao and I moved to set up our laptops and our doccuments on the desks that Xiumin and Luhan set up. As we settled down, Xiumin played around with the remote control for the air-conditioner that every class had. We all laughed when we found of out that the air-conditioner still worked.

After fooling around a little, we settle down to down our research with 45 minutes of our remaining lunch break left.

20 minutes passed and I sighed in irritation as I took a pause from my typing, bringing up a hand to massage at my temples. Opening my eyes, I caught sight of the glances sneaked at me from my team. Leaning back in my chair, I slowly dragged my gaze across every one of their faces.

"If you guys have something to say, spill it. All the sneaking peeks and silence from you guys are starting to drive me crazy."

I said out loud, crossing my arms infront of me as I stared back at my team mates. Another minute of silence dragged on before Luhan shuffled in his seat and looked up at me. He brought up a hand to scratch at his hair.

"Well... it's nothing much... We were just wondering if you were feeling alright and all..."

I blinked, confusion clouded me as I tilted my head and looked at Luhan. He must have noticed my clueless expression as he continued on to elaborate.

"Well... you were alot quieter after you caught up with us... and you were spotting a blush..."

My eyes widen in realisation of his question as I darted my gaze to somewhere else in the unused classroom we sneaked into. I faked a cough as I tired to push the scene of my interaction with Kris out of my memory, as well as to fight down the blush that threatened to show.

"It was nothing. I probably just stayed under the sun too long when I was at the roof."

I lied as I tried to brush the topic off of their minds.

"Anyway, how much information have you all gathered? Let's see if we can sum it up together and start on our mission fast."

After going through all of the information each of of us gathered, we sumed up the occurence of the Red Phantom, trying to estimate when their next attack would be.

"Hmm... So, the latest case was a case of a kidnapped boy not too long ago..." Luhan spoke out, eyes glued to his computer.

"And he was said to be last seen walking in towards the alley beside this club here..." D.O continued.

"And also, judging from the previous attacks of the Red Phantoms, they would kill off their captive at the very location they were last seen." Baekhyun muttered as he lifted his gaze from the screen.

"So it means the only time we can catch them in act is when they return to the alley to finish off the kid right here..." Tao tapped onto the map.

I nodded.

"Therefore... The earliest chance we have to catch them in act is... " I paused and checked my phone for the date. "This friday... 2 days from now. As assumes by the duration of the kidnap and murder from their previous cases... And it'd be best if we go as a team, with our weapons. You never know how many people they could have there..."

Looking up to meet the gazes of my team, I smiled.

"Who's ready for friday?"

One by one, I could see their face lit up as determination filled into their hearts. No words were needed to be exchanged to know that we were all ready for this friday. Upon hearing the bell, we packed up our documents and laptops quickly.

Leaving the binds drawn, we cautiously clear out from the classroom, and headed down the hall to our next class, a aura of confidence dawning on us.

Oh how I can't wait for Friday.


Yes... I know.. it's very short... but I'm trying my best with the updates frequently now! :) Will try to update soon! :D Bye bye~


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