Chapter 8

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[ A/N:
Hello peeps! I'm back again~ Now, on we go with another chapter!]

~ No one's POV~


Time stood still as blood was shed. The group watched in silent terror as their leader's bullet shot clean through the remaining enemy's skull, causing him to crumble and fall to the dirt ground. Letting out a breath that she was holding, Miyoung brought the gun down as she walked over to check on Kris, who had stumbled to the ground after his captive had fallen. The blonde male stared wide eyed at the corpse before him as blood started pooling around his shoes.

Miyoung stopped infront of him and reached out her hand towards him. The blonde pulled his gaze away from body and looked at the female before him. Even when she splattered with blood and clothes torn up from the fight, Kris still couldn't help feel that she looked just as attractive as before. Reaching out a shaking hand, he grabbed the offered hand and climbed back onto his own feet. Stumbling a little, he grabbed onto the girl's shoulder as he steadied himself.

"You alright there Kris?"

Said blonde's eyes flickered to the girl's face, slightly taken aback by how gentle she sounded. He was used to her being sarcastic with him. Kris blinked a few times before running a shaky hand through his blonde hair. He scanned around and saw that his friends and hers were fine. Breathing out a breath he had been holding in, his gaze fell back onto the female before him.

"Y-yeah. I'm cool, thanks."

Kris whispered as they made their way back to the group. Miyoung then told them to stay where they were before she walked off a little to make a phone call. Kris' eyes followed her for a while before he reverted his gaze back to his friends. They all stood in silence, needing time to process what had just happened a few moments ago.

Miyoung dialled in a number that was remembered by heart. She turned to look at her members as well as the group of 7 boys. She sighed, how had things become such a mess? A automated voice then sounded through the phone; requesting for the code. "Whiskey – Oscar – Lima – Foxtrot. Delta. Eighty – Eight." The system halted for a few seconds. "Access approved, WOLF DIVISION 88. Connecting to Big Boss."

"Hello? Miyoung ah?" The young leader let out a sigh of relief at hearing the deep voice laced with concern. "Soo Man appa. We had a code Red, can you please send down assistance to clear up?" Miyoung heard shuffling in the background and the tapping of keyboard. Soo Man appa must been sending out the instructions and tracking their location now. "Alright, I've sent for assistance. Are all of you alright?"

Miyoung took a deep breath.

"Minor injuries sustained but nothing to call medics for... Soo Man appa, there is one thing that I have to report to you though. While we were ambushed, 7 boys from the school got caught up in the fight. They've witnessed it all."

She could hear the troubled sigh from the other line and could only imagine Soo Man appa's furrowed brows as he rubbed his hand against his face. A habit of his.

"Can these boys be trusted?"

Miyoung glanced back at the group, and saw how the 7 boys had overcomed the shock and were now fussing over the members' injuries, even they had just encountered a full of life and death battle earlier on.

She let of a small smile when she and Kris' eyes locked.

"Yes, they can be trusted."

Soo Man sighed, if the leader of his best division said that these boys could be trusted then who was he to question her. He was not there on the ground to assess the situation after all.

"I've sent a private victor to your location. They will escort you back to your secondary apartment. I think it's not safe for you all to head back to the primary one yet, Red Phantom might have their men waiting there. I trust you know what to do once you've arrived at the secondary base?"

Miyoung ruffled her hair as she affirmed that she understood before hanging up. The only problem now, how does one explain to a group of play boys that they were secret agents on a mission?

Miyoung let out a annoyed huff as she headed back to the group. Despite the messy situation, she couldn't help but smile a little when she saw the boys arguing with her team over the minor wounds sustained. As she made eye contact with Kris again and saw the concern in those chocolate brown orbs, Miyoung knew, that somehow, these boys could definitely be trusted. Her smile faltered, however, when she recalled what happened in the past. Her expression changed to one resembling the inner battle she was having. She only feared and prayed to which ever god that she did not believe in that history would not repeat itself again.


Hello everyone, I know I haven't updated this in forever. I have no excuse, I literally had a writer's block and then got busy with everything and forgot about this story... However, recently I've been having some ideas again for this story. I know this is a short update but I'm working on the next one already. Hopefully the next one will be longer!

~ K.M.Y]

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2018 ⏰

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