Chapter 2

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Hellooooo! Here's the second chapter! hope you like it!!! ^^]

Hyung = Older Brother [Used by boys]

Annyeong = Hi.

Annyeonghasaeyo = Hello.

-No One's POV-

The door to the classroom slammed opened as seven boys strolled into the room, all taking their time and showing no sense of urgency at all. The teacher paused in her speech to glare at the them, only to recieve the same glare back from the tall blonde. The room was silent for a moment before the girls started chattering and giggling, no doubt about the boys who just entered.

The leader of the gang, the one with blonde hair, rolled his eyes before making his way to the back of the class where his seat was, his group trailing behind him. They took their seats, an uninterested look on their faces as they waited for the teacher to start her lesson again. The teacher turned  back to the class and was about to start her lesson again when she was interrupted by a knock on the door. She turned to the door, an annoyed scrowl on her face and walked out to check who it was. The class start chatting again after five minutes of silence.

After ten more minutes, the class went silent as the teacher returned, but with seven new students. Six boys and one girl. The teacher cleared her throat. "Class, we will be having seven new students joining us from now on. Please welcome them!" She nodded towards the students, gesturing them to have a self introduction. There was a minute of silence before a cheery looking guy, who was wearing eyeliner, started first.

"Annyeonghasaeyo! My name is Byun Baekhyun, and it's really nice to meet you all!" The boy then smiled and looked to his left, waiting for his friends to do the same. "Erm... Annyeong... My name is Kyungsoo but please call me D.O, it's great to meet you all." A wide eye boy followed on. To his left, his friend stepped forward.

"Annyeonghasaeyo! Erm... My name is Kim Minseok, but peoole called me Xiumin!" A short but cute looking guy said as he nudged another boy. Said boy took a nervous glance around the room, "Erm... annyeong. I'm Kim JoonMyun but you can call me Suho." He gave a small bow. "Annyeong! I'm Luhan!" A pretty faced guy piped up, smiling.

"Annyeonghasaeyo... erm. My name is Huang ZiTao but you can call me Tao. Please take care of us!" A panda looking boy said as he made a 90 degrees bow. "Annyeong. I'm Kwon Miyoung. Nice to meet you all." The girl said, a look of disinterest on her face. The class erupted into claps and chatters, everyone asking the new kids to sit with them.  The teacher held up her hand to silence the class before focusing her attention back to the new students. "Just go ahead and help yourselves to the empty tables in the class." She said, a gentle smile on her face.

The seven new teenagers nodded their heads and made a bee line for the empty tables and seats at the back of the class. The class became pin drop silent. Nobody ever sits at the back, that was the territory of those seven. The seven boys that the guys in the school feared and envied. The boys that the girls were crazy over. The gang of seven that named themselves EXO, a group of playboys and bullies.

"Erm... I-I wouldn't sit there if I were you." One of the girls came forward and grabbed Miyoung's arm as she walked pass. "Oh? Why not? I like the back..." Miyoung asked as she looked at the girl. "B-Because erm... that is EXO's territory. A-and no one is s-supposed to sit there but them." The girl explaines as she glanced at the group. Miyoung gave a confused face as she looked over to where the girl had glanced to, and saw seven boys looking back at them. A tall blonde, smirking at her, was what caught her attention the most.

Miyoung shrugged and continue moving to the back, dumping her bag in an empty seat near the blonde and sat down. "I don't really care. The teacher said we could choose our seats. We like the back, so we choose the back." She said as her group members moved to take their seats. Gasps could be heard as the class watched Miyoung gave the tall blonde a seat away from her a disinterested look before taking out her notebook and pens to take down notes. After a tense minute, the teacher started continueing their lesson and everything was back to how it was. Well, almost...

The seven boys or EXO, as they are called, were now staring at the seven new classmates a seat away from them. Their attention was long captured by the new teenagers, since they stepped into class. The blonde leader, Kris Wu Yi Fan, was wearing his trademark smirk on his handsome face as he continue observing the brown haired female. He licked his lips as many thoughts ran through his mind. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turn to see his brother, Kevin Li Jia Heng, giving him a knowing smile.

"Found yourself a new toy?" He asked, knowing his younger brother all too well. Kris gave a chuckle before nodding his head towards his new victim. "Found mine. What about you?" Kevin gave a devilish smile and let his gaze drift to the panda looking boy sitting beside his brother's target. "Ah, so you've taken a liking to the panda huh, hyung." Kevin tore his gaze away to look at his brother, a grin in place.

"Well, he is cute." Kevin said, shrugging and leaning back in his seat. Kris chuckled and shook his head, before he returned his attention back to his newly found plaything. 'I wonder how long will it take for her to fall for me. The longest challenge I had was... one week?' Kris thought as he licked his lips, corners of his lips twitching to form a smile.

The classroom was quickly emptied as the students all rushed to the canteen. Miyoung slowly packed her things after she told her gang to meet at the roof, where they would have their packed lunch and hopefully discuss their next move. As she closed her bag and was about to turn to talk to her brother, Tao, a shadow loomed over her. She looked up to see the same blonde from before, smirking down at her.

She studied his physical, taking down mental notes. He should be around 187cm in height, a pretty well build body and, even she had to admit, a handsome face. Though his actions certainly screamed 'PLAYER' out loud. "Erm, yes?" She inquired, wondering what he could want. The blonde smirk widen a little. From the corner of her eye, she could see her brother in a similar situation, at the other end of the room, with a golden brown haired boy.

"Seeing that you're new here, I was wondering if you would.... need some help around?" The blonde boy asked as he took a step forward. "Erm. I believe I can find my way around, Mr... " Miyoung reolied, taking a small step back. This guy was starting to make her feel a little uncomfortable, invading her personal space. "Wu. But people call me Kris." She nodded, taking note that he took another step forward. "Right. Erm. I really have to er, go... now."

She finished off, shifting slightly as Kris leaned in closer. "Hmmm... why the rush? I just wanted to make friend with you." Kris commented, leaning in even closer. Miyoung could feel her face warm up slightly. 'What the... Why am I blushing? Argh. Stupid play boy.' She thought silently as she tried to lean away. "I don't want to keep my friends waiting. Sorry, but maybe next time Kris."

She recomposed herself and was about to turn away when Kris leaned in and gave her a small kiss on the cheek. She gave him a look of disbelief as he chuckled and walked out of the class, throwing back a wink as he exited. She could hear a soft squeak from beside her and turned to see her brother, face red as a tomato and a hand covering his left cheek.

The male with the golden brown hair just smiled at him and walked out. Look like her brother got the same fate. Miyoung shook her head as she wiped off the kiss. "Stupid Kris." She cursed as she walked over to her brother. She could hear a soft 'Stupid Kevin.' as she neared. "He kissed you too?" Tao asked as he observed his sister's disgusted look. She nodded. "Stupid players, who do they think they are." She growled out.

Tao sighed. "Come on... let's not keep Baek and the rest waiting." She sighed and nodded. "Come on... we got more important things to discuss about anyway." She said as they made their way up to the roof.


Soooo, that's it for the second chapter! Please comment on how you think it is! Hopefully it isn't crappy.... :(

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