Chapter 3

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[ A/N:

Hello! New chappy ahead! ^^ Hope you enjoyy!]

Hyung = Older Brother [Used by boys]

Oppa = Older Brother [Used by girls]

-Miyoung's POV-

Tao and I slowly made our way up the flight of stairs, both of us in deep thought. I don't what was going through my brother's head, but I knew what was on mine. I was trying my hardest to formulate a plan on tracking down the Red Phantoms. Seoul isn't exactly a small city... so it will be difficult to find such a safe gaurded organisation.

Sunlight hit my face and pulled me out of my thoughts when Tao opened the rooftop door. The others were already there, hurdled in a corner and forming a circle, chatting.

"Tao! Miyoung!" Baekhyun called out and waved at us. We waved back and walked to where they sat.

"What took you so long?" Xiumin asked as he passed us some bottled drinks and sandwiches. Tao and I exchanged glances.

"Nothing much oppa. Just got delayed by some idiots." I brushed it off as I bit into my sandwich. I saw Tao sip his drink in order to avoid answering.

"Anyway, since no one else is here, shall we start our planning and strategies?" Suho asked quickly. He must have notice me and Tao's reluctance of elaboration.

As though a switch was thrown on, the mood immediately changed from child-like playfulness to down right serious.

Luhan quickly produced a piece of blank paper and markers, while Kyungsoo took out a copy of the map of Seoul. Xiumin immediately pulled out his laptop and started it up.

Pushing the sandwiches and bottled waters aside, I helped Kyungsoo lay out the map in the middle of our circle. I looked over to Xiumin, who gave a thumbs up, signalling that his laptop was up and ready.

"Right. We all know that our sole reason for being sent here, was to dig out the members of Red Phantoms and crush their organisation." I started, looking up at their serious expressions. "However, the only problems now are... How are we going to do that and where do we start? Since Seoul is a big capital afterall." I gestured to the map.

"Maybe we could mark out the areas where there had be recent repeat of crimes? That way we could at least have a direction to work towards." Tao suggested as he used a black marker to circle out our school block and apartment.

I nodded, that made sense. "Xiumin, check up on the recent crime cases here in Seoul. Especially anything dealing with drugs, murders or kidnaps." I ordered as I helped Kyungsoo in marking out certain famous clubs in blue marker.

"Roger that." Xiumin replied before the sound of fingers rapidly making contact with keyboard filled the air. "Seems like there have been recent drugs deals in these areas... and murders here... and mysterious disappearence of people there." Xiumin said, using orange to mark out the areas of drug cases, red for murders and purple for disappearance on the map.

Silence fell over the group as we studied the areas. Four areas for drugs. Seven for murders. Five for disappearance. A total of sixteen areas to check out!

"The most recent one seems to be a case of disappearance and murder of a young teenage boy, age 14. It was said that he disappeared on March 29th and his body was found five days later, in the alleyway near the club named BlackOut. He was said to have been killed with a bullet to the head."

Analysing the information that Xiumin had provided, I forwned. "Any other disappearance cases that the person had no been found yet?" I asked at a plan begin to form in my head.

"Hmmm... yes. There's been a recent disappearence of a girl named Jihyun. Last seen at the club called Bloody Coffin and has been missing for 4 days now." Xiumin replied as he scrolled through the news.  I nodded and took a marker to highlight the club, noticing that there was a alleyway down a few streets away.

"We'll start here. At the nearby alley. If my hunch is correct, they would try to kill off the girl here." I said and tapped on the map. The others nodded and looked up before freezing slightly. Xiumin ceased his typing and Luhan stopped jotting down notes. I gave a confused look before feeling a pressence behind me followed by a warm breath on my neck.

Out of natural instincts, I immediately unseathed a hidden knife out that was strapped around my tigh and turned around. Tackling whoever it was to the ground before holding up the blade to his neck, pressing it against his skin.


I blinked before widening my eyes. "What the... Kris?!" I exclaimed in shock as I pulled away the blade. Panic flowed into my veins. Did he heard what we were discussing about? I looked back and saw that my team was already on their feet, some in attacking stance while some already had their weapons drawn.

"As much as I like this position, but... can you let me up now?"

I looked back down to Kris before quickly getting off him. I signal for the team to keep their weapons and drop their defence. As well as signalling Tao to let Kevin, who he had pinned against the wall, go. Tao, reluctantly, released Kevin and stalked back to the team.

I backed away a few steps till I was in front of my team. "Xiumin, Luhan, Kyungsoo. Pack up." I gave out the order as they rushed to fulfill. "What the hell were you doing sneaking behind us?" I questioned Kris and his gang.

Kris, with the help of a frightened looking Chen, got up slowly. He touched at his neck where my blade had cut into his skin and was bleeding slightly. Honestly, I did feel bad about the wound.

"Well, this was OUR hang out place to begin with. So when we saw you guys up here all huddled together, we got curious and wanted to take a peek. Who knew you would all go so denfensive." He replied, still eyeing the blade in my hand. I rolled my eyes and returned the blade to it original place before picking up my bag.

"Well, that's your fault for being a busybody. And you can have your 'hang out' place back." I nodded for the team to leave as I took a step towards the exit. Time to look for another meet up location... I stopped mid step when a hand reached out to grab my arm. I looked to the owner, who happened to be frowning.

"What?" I asked, trying to shake off his grip. He pointed to the wound I inflicted and raised an eyebrow. "Urgh, just apply pressure on it." I grumbled as I tugged my hand back.

"Hey! You did this, so shouldn't you be responsible for it?" He argued back. I rolled my eyes once more at his ridiculous childish behaviour... but he did have a point...

I sighed and motioned for the others to leave first before pulling out a handkerchief from my skirt pocket. "Troublesome idiot..." I muttered as I wet the cloth with drinking water. I took a look at the wound before gently start to clean it.

I felt him flinch and glanced up at him. He was biting his lips. Did it hurt that much..? Sighing, I used a gauze and bandage to treat the cut, leaning in close to check on it.

"You know... you'd make a great girlfreind..." Kris muttered as he brushed a strand of hair behind my ear and leaning in closer. He breath tickling my ear. I couldn't hide the blush forming and tried to look annoyed. "Not yours in a million years at least." I retorted and stepped away.

"Take this as a lesson and stop sneaking up on others!" I growled out as I made my walk out of the door. I pratically flew down the stairs, my face feeling unnaturally warm and heart beating unusually fast...

What is happening to me?


Sooo... How was it? I know... it's a boring chapter... with all the information and all.... I'm sorry for not updating. Studies been a bitch. But since I'm like on my one week break, I decided to update. I may not be updating constantly because my major exams are coming up soon... but please be patient and not give up on this fic! >-<


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