Chapter 2

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When I am finally able to lift myself off the ground, I stumble to the flowers and gently take them out of the vase.  I place the roses on my father to represent his protective but kind personality. I place the snapdragons on my mother to represent her strength and her beautiful personality.
    Wiping away a few tears, I go to my fathers safe. Just under a red cloth was the key to the safe. Except I pause and stare at it like it is the pyramid Giza. I was never allowed to touch it because that cloth is how my parents first met. There was a map scribbled on one side.
    My dad was in Germany and no one would give him a map in English. That is when my mom showed up out of nowhere, took his handkerchief, and scribbled a map on it. My mom left a place for him to meet her for a date and the rest is history.
    My mom is so kind and strong, I think. I then had to harshly remind myself that she was gone so is now becomes was. Who knew I could hate the word "was" so much. I sadly lifted the red handkerchief and picked up the key. With one, trembling hand I put the key in the lock and turned it.
    There was a variety of weapons in the safe that my dad had collected on his travels. Ranging from guns to knives to swords. I picked up my favorite pirate looking sword and a matching sheath with a belt. I then grabbed a few knives and guns, along with their holsters.
    Finally, I finished and I looked ready for war. The only thing I was missing was war paint. Who knows what could happen out there. Honestly anything could, I mean I have faced a puma, evaded alligators, endured my parents deaths, and it is only 10 in the morning! Obviously this is a dream, at least that is what I keep telling myself because I don't want to believe everything has changed. Just yesterday my mom made her famous chocolate chip pancakes and my dad helped me with algebra.
    Time to review the game plan, I think.
    Step 1: Go to school
    Step 2: Try to find my brother at school
    (P.S. I have a twin brother named Branch)
    Step 3: Grab a donut and have a talk with Branch
    Step 4: Don't get eaten by any surprise animals.
    Then again maybe I should move step 4 up a bit.

    With my sword in hand I slowly ease the door open. Except all of the water was gone, there were no alligators, and I couldn't hear the puma scratching at the door. Still very suspicious, I feel around with my foot before stepping into the living room. When a sinkhole didn't magically suck me up and a tribe of savages didn't try to spear me, I proceeded further into the living room. Not before turning and closing my parents door.
    "I will be back and I will keep Branch safe," I whisper and continue on.
    "Ouch!" I yell as I stub my toe. I grab my toe and start dancing around like a madman.
    "Stupid door!" I keep yelling at the door as I jump outside. Gingerly, I put my foot down and grimace a little as my toe makes contact with the ground. Finally, I start walking with the cold metal of the truck keys pressing into my palm. Thankfully I am 16 years old so I can drive. At this point though I wouldn't be surprised if the police officers were zombies.
    I hopped into the driver's seat- my weapons digging into me as I did so- and placed my hands on the steering wheel. It was strange to be in the car without my mom constantly hovering and my dad sitting ther, cool as a cucumber. Shaking myself a bit, I put the key in the ignition and listened to the rumble of the Chevy Silverado's engine coming to life.
    I slowly back out of the driveway, checking for cars. Except there weren't any. In fact the streets were strangely devoid of any life. Even though the streets and houses were empty I still followed the speed limit. Internally, I was panicking at the lack of human life, but I know that I have to get to my brother. The need to find him and protect him was strong enough to quell any curiosity and exploration. I know that if I weren't looking for my brother I would be looking for any living soul I could find.
Finally, I turn into the school and it looks as empty as the rest of the town. Still, somewhere inside me I had hope that he was there.
I opened the door to the school and everything was pitch black. This was not just every-light-was-turned-off black. This was a dark void, this was the-absence-of-light black. I thought I had gone blind.
I started shouting, "Branch! Branch, where are you?" I started to cry when I didn't hear a response. Suddenly, I heard a light patter of footsteps and giggling. I follow the sound and surprisingly, I don't run into anything.
"Branch!" I call, "Is that you? Come out, this isn't funny!" The giggling was getting louder so I started to run, calling, "Branch!" The entire way. I felt something slimy and wet before I started falling.

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