The Loud House Part 3: Lynn Loud

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Lynn Loud was preparing to chow down on her meatsub she been saving after taking a shower, the taste and feeling of digesting it really give Lynn some gassy thoughts, Once she enter her room she saw something in there that increase her meatsub hunger even bigger

A tiny! Lynn thought to herself as she took off her towel from around her head and let it drop to the ground before changing her shock expression to a smirking one as a dark idea had enter her mind

Sweetie Belle squeal and hurry to the pillow hiding underneath it as Lynn smugly approach her tiny victim, The tiny sweated in fear as she saw Lynn's hand reaching under the pillow, trying to avoid it was proven useless as she was grab regardless

Sweetie Belle: "eeep! please put me down!" 

Lynn Loud Jr: "wow! a actual tiny, this must be my lucky day, you know i'm craving a meatball sub before i walk into the room but now i'm craving a meatball sub with a tiny inside it, hmmm" she lick her lips and sniff Sweetie Belle "omg you smell delicious this is going to be even sweater"

Sweetie Belle: (panic) "don't do this i'm not food!" Lynn ignore her however and went over to her meatball sub that was still wrap up, Unfolding the sub Lynn lick her lips as her stomch roar like a angry lion

Lynn Loud Jr: "hear that tiny?" she rub her gut "thats the sound of my hungry stomach where your gonna die in" she chuckle evilly as Sweetie Belle squirm hard arousing Lynn a bit "its your destiny to be my protien which i'll only dump once we are number 1, i'll change once i finish after all can't offord to get my clothing dirty after that shower"

Lynn then pull off the top bun and drop Sweetie Belle onto the meatballs before slamming the top bun back onto the sub and grab the entire sandwich meal up to her face, licking her lips lynn shove the first part of the sandwich into her mouth and chomp that piece off

From inside the meatball sub Sweetie Belle heard chewing and gulping, realizing her end will be near soon, Sweetie Belle quickly crawl through the meatballs and made it to the end as Lynn chomp another piece off and swallow it too

Lynn moan as she love every second she ate and swallow enjoying the sub parts being disolve by her powerful gut, before she can take another bite she notice Sweetie Belle's head sticking out from the other end trying to escape

With a smirk Lynn simply turn her sandwich around and begin shoving the piece Sweetie Belle was in into her mouth, Quickly realizing the horror about to come Sweetie Belle quickly crawl towards the last part of the sandwich barely avoiding Lynn's teeth chomping her in two as she made it but realize how screw she is

Lynn chomp on the pieces and gulp them down smirking over foiling her meals attempt at escaping before giggling evilly as she shove the rest of the sub into her mouth and placing both her hands to cover her mouth to prevent more escape plans

Sweetie Belle panic and try avoiding the teeth and tongue as the rest of the sub was tore apart and fell down Lynn's throat, it wasn't long until the tiny was the only thing in Lynn's mouth as the sub was in the stomach of the tomboy

Feeling her meal in her mouth Lynn uncover her mouth and begin swishing Sweetie Belle around as she played with her bulge stomach, moaning over her tiny's taste until she got bored to which she proceeded to swallow the poor tiny

Sweetie Belle scream as she enter Lynn's throat and headed right down towards the stomachh where she landed on top of meatballs avoiding the already active stomach, she quickly begin punching the stomach walls as always

Sweetie Belle: "your a sick pyscho!!"

Lynn let out a mighty burp as she lay on her bed for a bit and rub her stomach giggling over the feeling of something actually alive inside her belly, She proceeded to shake her tummy to create a mess of misery for her tiny victim

Lynn Loud Jr: "hmmm you were yummy in my tummy, now digest for protien fo me, sadly you'll be turd for 3 hours till we become number 1, we won't be 1 if i go number 2" Lynn then sigh as she got dress allowing her tummy to digest Sweetie Belle in peace treating her like food in the progress

Later after becoming number 1, Lynn rush to the bathroom and dumped out her victims remains along with leaving a stinky smell behind due to how gassy her food was, Lynn rub her gut again snickering over what she done

Lynn Loud Jr: "maybe Lisa can give me a shrink ray that'll be exciting" she left the bathroom fully back home to practice more tricks for next team event that'll come soon

Sweetie Belle woke up in a school of some sort after being digested by Lynn, After recovering a bit from that disgusting expirence as part of other food she was still worry about whats to come as she sees a girl nearby and freak out over whats about to come for her.

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls belongs to Hasbro

The Loud House belongs to Nickelodeon

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