Pokemon Part 4: Mallow

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The three alolan girls Mallow, Lana, and Lillie were all wearing their swimsuits as they arrrive at the beach and were preparing to have a great time together unaware of the tiny girl nearby

Mallow: "alright girls time to get good smell of that ocean air" she took a big smell only to froze as she caught something that made her drool a bit

Lana: "having fun in the beach will be very exciting"

Lillie: "yeah just the three of us here this'll be exciting" both the girls notice notice Mallow who was sniffing around excited like "uh Mallow whats up?"

Mallow: "don't you girls smell that?" Lana and Lillie look confuse but began sniffing as well and soon caught a strange delicious smell and begin drooling a bit as well

Lana: "hmmm that smells so yummy"

Lillie: "wonder what it is"

Mallow: "come on guys lets go find it!"

And with that the girls scatter trying to find the source of that smell, Sweetie Belle try hiding in the sand as she sawv the three girls search for her, Lillie look farther away but found nothing, Lana took a dip in the water but couldn't smell the smell underwater or above

As Sweetie Belle was beginning to feel safe, Mallow's giant foot step near her as the chef girl sniff in the area telling that it was very close by, Looking down the giant girl notice the sand shifting around a bit and reach on down and grab out Sweetie Belle

Sweetie Belle: "ahhh nooo!! let me go!!!" Mallow was stun to see the source came from the tiny and after taking a bit smell it all but confirm to her she had found the delicious smell and lick her lips at Sweetie Belle as she gave her a good lick "eeewww!!!"

Mallow: "yummy!, Hey guys! i found the source come here now!" Lana and Lillie came racing towards Mallows direction eventually stopping right in front of their friend

Lana: "great job Mallow so whts the tasty food you found" Mallow show them Sweetie Belle "a tiny human?" she smell Sweetie Belle and was shock "she smells so good"

Lillie: (shock) "scare you guys thinking aout cannibalism!!??" Both girls lick their lips as Lillie sniff Sweetie Belle and found herself having a hard time resisting the urge of shoving the tiny down her throat "never mind"

Lana suddenly grab Sweetie Belle from Mallow's hand and dangle her above her wide open mouth

Lana: "time for this water trainer to have a stomach full of squirming prey"

Sweetie Belle: "nooo please don't eat me!!!" Lana giggled and drop Sweetie Belle into her mouth

Before Sweetie Belle can enter Lana's mouth she was snag by Mallow dangling her near her body as Lana pouted over Mallow stealing her snack from her

Mallow: "sorry Lana, but you know the rules, finder keepers since i founded her first that means i get to the be the one that ends her life with my powerful and awesome tummy" she rub her hungry gut

Lana grumble as Lillie down sadly as she wanted to eat the tiny but understand it was indeed Mallow who founded the tiny first before they did

Sweetie Belle: "don't i get a say in this?"

Mallow: "nope cause your food" she then casually toss Sweetie Belle into her mouth and swish her around inside, licking her prey around moaning over her taste as she enjoy Sweetie Belles suffering

Sweetie Belle was screaming for help which aroused Lana and Lillie who imagine themselves being the ones devouring Sweetie Belle and soon digesting her in their guts

Lana: "that'll be a wonderful feeling"

Lillie: (blush) "next tiny we find is going within me"

Mallow wink at her friends as she took a big swallow and send her meal down into her awaiting stomach, Mallow smile evilly as she felt the tiny enter her stomach and began punching and kicking the stomach walls

Mallow: (sighs and burps) "ahhh she hit the spot" she rub her stomach and pat it a few times as we cut to inside her belly to see Sweetie Belle punching and kicking in rage inside the chefs stomach as the acid begin pouring in to disolve the new food 

Sweetie Belle: "i'm sick of getting eaten every time!!!"

Mallow: "hehehehe too bad i couldn't cook you first i bet you'll taste even better as stew or roasted" she rub her gut again "well lets continue our fun and ignore my meal like the food she is" 

Lana: "just not the water for you as you need to wait one hour before going in" Mallow roll her eyes but nodded

Lillies: "lets just play volleyball while Mallow digest her food" the girls agreed and head to play volleyball as Sweetie Belle gets kill by the acid

Later Mallow exited the outhouse smugly proud of herself for ending her prrey's life before heading on to rejoin her friends as they now decided to head into the water 

Mallow: "alright the water here i come hehehehe"

Sweetie Belle woke up after being poop out of that green hair girl and now was somewhere else with flowers and a garden nearby as a girl wearing a kimono was seen heading towards her position before looking down smiling at the tiny girl below

Erika: "aww i found someone who needs my help" she reach down to grab Sweetie Belle who brace for it as her vision was temporary cover in darkness.

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls belongs to Hasbro

Pokemon belongs to Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures

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