The Mayor had arrive in her mansion placing her hat that was hanging on a rack as she sigh a bit over keeping Donkey Kong city in check
Paulina: "man sure wish i had something to relief me of my stress sometimes" she check herself in the mirror making sure their wasn't anything dirty on her as we cut to Sweetie Belle who was in the kitchen hiding
Sweetie Belle: (whisper to herself) "okay i need to make sure she goes upstairs then i'll make it to the door and everything will be alright" just then she heard a stomach growl and she sigh as Paulina arrive in the kitchen
Paulina: "hmmm better make myself a sandwich"she enter the kitchen grabbing some break as well as a peanut butter jar and jelly jar as she begin scooping them with a spoon and knife and placed onto the bread
Sweetie Belle once again was about to sneeze she tried even harder to resist it and at first it seem to have work, but then she let out a quick sneeze that caught Paulina's attention who heard the sneeze
Paulina: "huh whose there?" looking around she sniff a bit and pick up a smell that mde her go hmm "whatever it is its going in my sandwich" she spotted something under the table and went down to pick it up
Sweetie Belle was sweating hoping the giant woman wouldn't find her, she was wrong as Paulina sneakly grab her before she could react and pick her up right in her face smelling her before licking her lips over the tinies smell
Paulina: "yum your be the perfect part of my sandwich" she brought Sweetie Belle and place her on top of the peanut butter spreaded break as she begin finishing the jelly on the other bread "i never tried cannibalism before but your smell just caught my interest and curiosity"
Sweetie Belle: "please no i'm not food!" she tried getting out of the peanut butter but it was too sticky as Paulina smugly place the jelly bread on top of her "no ahhh-" her scream was muffled by the two sandwich breads together
Paulina grab her sandwich licking her lips as she carefully bite off around Sweetie Belle moaning just to tease her prey before gulping down a part of the sandwich, she continue eating her sandwich love hearing the muffle noise coming from said food
Sweetie Belle begin to cried as she kept feeling the teeth sections of Paulina's mouth around her follow by the chewing and gulping from this woman as she treated her like food to troll around with
It wasn't long til only the part middle aka where Sweetie Belle is stuck at is left, Paulina giggle before shoving it and Sweetie Belle fully into her mouth, she use her tongue to seperate the tiny from the rest of the food as she munch on the sandwich bits while moving Sweetie Belle around in her mouth
Sweetie Belle cried as she was licked clean of the peanut butter and jelly that covered her body, the last of the sandwich was swallow as the tongue kept the tiny at bay below, Paulina moan right as she decided it was time
Tilting her head upwards Paulina sended her prey down her throat with a single gulp, the mayor traced her meal as she slided down right into the stomach alongside the other pieces of sandwich parts
Paulina: *burp!* "hehehe you were very delicious human thanks for satisfying the mayor of this city here" she place a hand on her gut smirking as she felt kicking and punching coming from within she proceeded to pat her gut gently to soften the movement in her
Sweetie Belle cried as the stomach acid begin covering her entire body, kicking and punching as she beg to be let out as the stomach begin digesting everything including her into paste, All she did was satisfied Paulina even more she lick her lips in pleasure
Paulina: "feel free to squirm still as my stomach disolves you into my body, now excuse me i need my rest after that snack" she walk upstairs please with herself as the struggling in her gut died down for a minute
After a while the mayor was seen exiting the bathroom after finishing off that tiny, Paulina smugly left the stall still dreaming that tiny was still in her tummy, with a sigh the mayor left to get a bigger food and then discover where to find more tinies to eat
Sweetie Belle woke up in another world not knowing where she is but found she was in some kind of house that seem alive, the feeling was still there as some stomping noises was heard freaking out the human as there doesn't seem to be a place where she can hide as the door begin to twist and turn freaking the tiny out on whats going to happen.
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls belongs to Hasbro
Mario belongs to Nintendo
Sweetie Belle's Shrunken Full Tour Adventure
HororPlot: Sci Twilight had made a shrink ray which accidently hit Sweetie Belle due to a miss fired, Now shrunken to bite size, Sweetie Belle struggles to find a way to grow to normal size again but it turns out the shrink ray side effects made her smel...