LI: a surprise visit

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QUI'RA D'ARX drove right up alongside the security guard at Pym Technologies  her adoptive father, Hank Pym, sitting in the passenger seat

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QUI'RA D'ARX drove right up alongside the security guard at Pym Technologies  her adoptive father, Hank Pym, sitting in the passenger seat. "Dr. Pym?" The security asked in shock almost.

"Yes, I'm still alive." The security guard smiled at the two and Qui'ra drove onward dropping Hank off at the door and then driving back towards their house knowing that Hope would handle driving him back home despite her obvious discomfort with being around him after Janet died.

Qui'ra's phone began to rang shortly after taking off again. The cellphone I.D. was shown to be Maya D'Arx. "Shit." Qui'ra picked up the phone to answer it cringing when she her sister's voice over the phone.

"Qui'ra D'Arx! Where the hell are you? You were supposed to be in California for only three weeks and now it had turned into three months!"

"I know, I know! Things came up and then kept coming up... listen, I'm gonna have to call you back."

"Qui'ra, don't you dare hang up the phone."

"Bye." Qui'ra hung up and cringed at the conversation she had just had with her biological sister. She pulled over to the side of the road and leaned her forehead to rest on the steering wheel.

She knew her sister did care about her and she was just worried because Qui'ra had been blowing her off, so perhaps she need to actually visit the Avengers Compound and surprise her. She already had business there for Hank anyways, she might as well say hello to her definitely pissed off sister.

As she drove up to the compound, she let a huff leave her mouth in a sigh at the sight of her sister's new home. She pulled up next to the gate with a frown etched on her features. "Can I help you?" The voice of the Vision made her smile slightly.

"Hey, Vis. I'm here to see Maya." The gate opened instantly and she smiled at the security camera cockily as she continued her drive up to the compound. The doors to the compound opened and out came Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff and Sam Wilson who stood in front of her looking like they had been gutted out by her mere presence. "Hello." She gave a little half-wave and looked behind them to see her older sister walking up to her, the tension thick in the air.

"I do hope this wasn't a surprise, Qui'ra." Maya stared at her sister with tense shoulders and Qui'ra really couldn't see how it could have been good for her blood pressure. 

"Oh, don't worry," Qui'ra flashed the woman a cocky grin. "It is." Qui'ra grinned even more at the way that she was clearly pressing her sister's buttons, so much so that Sam and Natasha on either side of her stepped towards her almost instinctively, almost like a situation like this had happened before, had happened recently. Steve stepped backwards ready to grab the woman and drag her back if need be, Qui'ra noticed. "Aw, have I made you upset?" 

Maya merely glared at her sister with disdain before regaining her composure with a fake smile. "Have you heard from the others recently?"

"I cut ties." Qui'ra revealed walking past the group and towards the warehouse where the technology Hank Pym had wanted her to located was to be found. She heard the heavy footsteps of Steve and the light and dainty ones of Natasha and Maya follow behind her as she examined each and every single thing in that warehouse until she found exactly what she was looking for. "Aha!" She exclaimed happily reading the label on the side of the case holding Pym tech. "Gotcha." She moved to take it from the shelf, but Maya's hand stopped her. 

"What are you doing?" Qui'ra rolled her eyes in annoyance knowing that she would have to fight this one out or leave the tech and come back for it later. "That's Pym tech. Why would you need that?"

"He's my father." Qui'ra stated bluntly choosing to walk away from an uncomfortable situation. "Well, adoptive at least."

"Why did you never tell me you were raised by a human?" Maya glared at her sister who continued to walk away from her which annoyed her to no end. 

"One: I wasn't raised by him. And two: that's bloody racist." 

Maya scoffed following after her sister. "How is that racist?"

"You," Qui'ra finally stopped walking and pointed at her sister's chest, shoving her finger painfully into Maya's chest. "Implied that being raised by a human is not good enough for us, the reason being that we are far more superior to humans. Well, I think not!" Qui'ra whipped around heading right back towards her car. 

"Damnit, Qui'ra that's not what I meant!" Maya called after her sister after standing in shock for a solid ten seconds. "Will you stop walking?!" Qui'ra ignored her sister and opened the car door, slamming it shut once she had gotten in and started the car. 

"Au revior, bitch!" Qui'ra flipped her sister the bird and sped off not even bothering to open the gate all the way before flooring it. She sighed when her phone buzzed signally that she had a call. She picked up her phone and examined who the caller was: it was Hank Pym. She answered and spoke before the man could get a word in. "Hey, so I found that tech that you were looking for." 

"Qui'ra, thank God!" Qui'ra's brows furrowed in confusion at the tone his voice was placed, almost panicked. 

"What's wrong?"

"The suit, it was stolen overnight." 

Qui'ra almost dropped the phone in shock thinking about how much that suit meant to Hank and how much it meant to Hope. "Well, shit."

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