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Soobin's pov

"Are you sure that you like yeonjun hyung?" Tae asks, I nod, "But he has a girlfriend, you know?" kai says, "I know that's why I am trying to move on from him," I said "It's okay soobin hyung," gyu says, "I'm fine, I just need some alone time," I said as I stand up from my chair to the bathroom.

Taehyun's pov

As soobin hyung leaves to the bathroom, "We need to do something guys, Soobin hyung looks really sad" kai says as he drinks his coffee "I know right but what can we do" I said as I also drink the coffee I have, "We should just find some other person for Soobin hyung I guess?" Beomgyu hyung says.

Soobin hyung comes out of the washroom.

"Soobin! Ask your friends if they wanna stay for dinner!" Soobin hyung's mom yells from downstairs.

"You guys wanna stay for dinner?" Soobin hyung asks

"No, We're going to eat dinner at kai's his mom's food is delicious," Gyu says, "Fine, bye," Soobin hyung says

Soobin's pov

They all left I got on my phone doing something, and I got a call.

Yeonjun hyung

I pick up the call, putting the phone to my ear I hear sobs "So-Soobin Can I come to your house?" I hear yeonjun hyung's voice "First of all, What happened?" I ask, "C-Can I come to your house?!" Hyung yells through the phone, "Of course, you can come have I ever said no" I say

"Thank y-you!" hyung says before hanging up.

Is hyung drunk or has something happened?

"Soobin, Do you wanna eat dinner?" My mom yells from downstairs "No mom!" I yell back "Fine then I'm going to sleep!" My mom yells "Okay!" I yell back.

~After some time~

I heard the doorbell, I quickly ran downstairs to open the door. I opened the door to see yeonjun hyung he was crying and he was in the arms of taehyung hyung.

"He's drunk, I don't know where his house is, So I bought him here," Taehyung hyung said

"He called me, Thanks hyung," I said thanking him. "No problem, I'm going to go now," taehyung hyung said, I nodded.

"Bye," He said before giving yeonjun hyung in my arms and leaving.

I closed the door, taking him to my room.

I laid him on the bed. As I was going to stand up yeonjun hyung grabbed my wrist. "Don't, Don't Don't leave me" He said.

"I am never going to leave you hyung," I said as I looked at his bloodshot eyes.

"She- She broke up with me," He said.

What? How can someone break up with a guy like yeonjun hyung?

"What?" I said in shock, "She told me she found another person" Yeonjun hyung said

"It's okay yeonjun hyung I know you loved her dearly" I said as I stroke his forehead.

"I-" He said but he fell asleep.

~End of this chapter~

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