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Soobin's pov

“Soobin! please wait, I only love you Soobin!” Yeonjun hyung yelled to me, I was going to class.

“Soobin! Please listen to me!” He  yelled again, “You should listen to him soobin” Jisoo noona said, “I don't want to he kissed someone else how does he think I should act?” I said, “Soobin listen, Yeonjun probably wants to tell you something, also he's going through the same pain you're feeling” Jisoo noona said,

“If you say so noona” I said, “Go” jisoo noona said

Jisoo noona walked to class whereas I walked to yeonjun hyung, He hugged me as I walked to him,

“I only love you, She threw herself at me I tried to push her off but she wouldn't budge” He said as he looked at me pulling out from the hug.

He got on his knees, he hugged my legs, ‘‘Soobin when you become my boyfriend I felt so happy, but when you said “We're over” those words killed me inside” He said, Seeing him cry made me cry too, I stood him up and hugged him.

“I love you so much, Seeing you cry makes me cry,” I said

“Please don't leave me” Yeonjun hyung said as he cried more.

“I will never leave you again hyung” I said,

“Let's be together again” I said, hearing those words yeonjun hyung's face lit up again, “Don't you leave me again” He said and kissed me, The people in corridor clapped as we both kissed.

Author's pov

As this happy moment was happening, Tora was there too,

She got near them, “Oh my gosh! Why are you guys clapping!?!? This is so disgusting!” She yelled, That caused both of them pulling out from the kiss.

“Bitch” Yeonjun mumbled.

“You guys are disgusting” Tora said, “They're not disgusting!” Jisoo yelled from the crowd

“Look at them! This is truly disgusting!” She yelled

“We just love eachother what's the problem’’ Soobin said, “I love her,Will you find me disgusting too?” Sana said as she kissed nayeon, (Btw sana is Tora's best friend)

“Oh my god!, Sana what the fuck?” She said, Sana pulled out from the kiss, “I don't wanna be friends with a narrow minded bitch anymore” Sana said.

Tora stormed her feet and left.

“Thank you Sana!” Everyone said.

Sana proudly smiled.

~The end~

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