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“You like Soobin, don't you” Tora asked Chibi

“I do,” Chibi said, “Well would you make a move on him?” Tora asked, “No, He's in a relationship,” Chibi said and walked off to his friend Huening kai.

Huening kai's pov

I saw chibi talking to Tora she better not tell him to do something bad, Chibi walked to me,

“What was she telling you to do?” I asked chibi, “Make a move on Soobin hyung” Chibi said, “What? Did she really?” I said He nodded, “Oh yeah I have something to do, Let's meet for lunch later” He said I nodded.

I've always had a big crush on Chibi, He's just the best.

Let me post a selfie on Instagram, Cause why not.




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I look cute ❤


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