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                            «Ryan's P.O.V.»

   "Ryan get up! Jules will be here any minute. I don't want her to see my brother like a bum!!", Vanessa yelled.

  What Vanessa didn't know is that I'd been up for hours getting ready for Jules arrival. I can picture Jules face right now. Her sweet sent of coconut complimented her long blonde wavy hair and her bright gray eyes and sweet smile that gave me butterflies, no, more like dragonflies dancing up a storm in my stomach.

   "Oh, shut your trap Nessie the lake monster", I greeted my sister with a chuckle.

   "Aw, look who's all dressed for the day Mr.Player", she grinned and I grimaced at the thought of my latest Toy Jamie.

  "I threw that toy out a few days ago. Got to attached", I chucked a piece of toast at the annoying antagonist.

   "Oh whatever, youre still a player", she replied coldly

  If only she knew how I felt about her best friend...

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