Two Can Play the Game

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“Ohayō sensei,” I said as I entered the classroom.

“Ohayō Rosa-san, your Japanese is improving,” Mr. Kaneko said and I smiled.

“Arigatō,” I said bowing then heading to my seat. 

“Hello beautiful,” George said from beside me.

“Now George how many times do I have to tell you that I have a boyfriend?”

“A lot,” he replied with his thick New Zealand accent.

I sighed shaking my head if I wasn’t with Landon I would totally flirt back with the gorgeous boy beside me. Mr. Kaneko started the lesson and I tried to move all thoughts of Landon to the back of my head. But to no avail, my wolf was anxious and kept me thinking about our mate. I wonder if Landon is okay? Is he sleeping now? Does he miss me? Does he still like me? Is he cheating on me? I shook the last thoughts out of my head of course he still likes me. I looked at my ring then thought he would never cheat on me.

It’s been a couple months since I left for Japan. I’m in the exchange student program for this semester at the University of Tokyo. I miss the pack and of course, I especially miss Landon. Ever since he’s marked me I can feel his emotions even though we’re really far away from each other. Most of the time he seems sad but every now and then I feel a burst of happiness from him but then it’s immediately replaced with sadness. I honestly didn’t know how to reply when my teacher asked me if I wanted to be in the student exchange program since it’s a rare opportunity to come by these days. When I told Landon, at first, he was upset about the idea of me leaving him again but I convinced him to let me go for this semester. 

I didn’t even leave the country yet, I felt this huge wave of sadness come upon me, and I knew it was Landon. I felt my wolf call out to his wolf trying to settle him down because I knew if he wasn’t calm he would probably start a riot in the airport. Thinking back on that scene almost made me sad but then I felt it. A small burst of happiness and I knew that he was okay. It seems like whenever I feel down there’s a small burst of happiness to make me feel better it’s Landon’s way of cheering me up.

I looked around the classroom seeing how I’m the only black person in here and only supernatural being. I sighed and attempted to pay attention to the lesson. I started to scribble down the notes that Mr. Kaneko were writing on the board. I looked over at George and took a moment to skim over his features. He had light brown hair and grey eyes with a square jaw. He had a dimple in his right cheek when he smiled and a pointed nose. He was clean-shaven today but when I first met him, he had a five o’clock shadow. He was tan probably from playing sports when he was in high school and built like soccer player.

“Daydreaming about me princess?” he asked catching me in the act of starring at him.

“,” I said looking at my notebook.

“Are you sure?” he asked with an award-winning smile.

“Yes,” I replied trying not to be captivated by his pearly white teeth.

“Well if you ever do daydream about me, just tell me about your fantasy I’ll make it a reality,” he said with a wink. If I were not dating Landon, I would have fainted at the remark. Although if Landon said something like that let’s just say I would be in heaven with my dad because I would have been killed by those words.

I rolled my eyes in response to his attempt to flirt and thought about the flirting games that Landon and I were playing. Hmm he should try to use more pick up lines then he would probably win. Well that’s if he says them in the right way and use ones that I have never heard of before. Or maybe I should use seductive lines on Landon and I could win the flirting games.  Decisions, decisions I think I’ll go with option number two.

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