Danger Shorter Shorts (2)

137 2 6

A/N: Hope you guys enjoy!


Chapa started to head to her bed, until she noticed Alanna asleep in it.

She sighed before picking up her sister and carrying her to her own bed on the other side of the room, before tucking her in.

Chapa headed back to her own bed, but somehow Alanna was in it again.

Chapa decided to just go with it, and pushed her over so she could get in.

As the night went on, Alanna kept on getting close to Chapa, making her move over until Chapa fell off the bed.

A/N: That's all I got for now... If you didn't know, this is a parody of the Jessie episode, A Doll's Outhouse. If you haven't seen it, and if you have Disney Plus, I recommend watching Jessie. It's really funny. 😂 Byeeee!

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