Chapter 46

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"She can't be dead. You're lying!" Jaxon shouted at his father as he felt all of his pent-up emotions at once, all of the repressed emotions he tried to hide

Damon seems annoyed by his son sudden outburst like what happened to his wife doesn't concern him
"She's dead, she's gone. There's nothing we can do about it."

"I was actually expecting it, that woman is sick in the head." He jokingly added as he released a chuckle

Hearing his Dad joke about his mother's mental illness and how she died angers him more "How can you say that when it was all your fault?! Because of you she suffered mentally! She did everything for you and you never loved her!"

"You're just a kid. You know nothing." Damon said, trying to brush him off as he focused on looking presentable while changing his neck tie to a different color

Jaxon doesn't like the way his father is acting as he went close to him while looking like he's ready to pounce at any minute...
"I might be a kid in your eyes but I know enough to understand what's going on! If anyone is sick in the head, it's you. It's you who put us through hell-"

Damon shut Jaxon off by grabbing his neck as he slammed him into the wall..."Don't you dare talk to me like that again! Do you understand?!"

He held his son's neck so tight that he couldn't breath "Do you really thought your mother is any different? She knew what she's getting into right from the start! I want a heir and she's in for the money!"

"That's not true... She loved me--she-" Jaxon is having a hard time to talk with his father gripping his neck, tears started falling from his eyes

"You need to learn to control your emotions. That's not how a boy should act! If I see you shed a single tear on your mother's funeral, I'm going to make you regret it. " Damon gripped his son's neck one last time before letting him go, leaving him sitting on the floor while coughing


Jaxon is now standing in front of her mother's casket with his father sitting behind him, there were only the two of them with his father's soldiers on guard

Jaxon is looking at the casket as he saw how her mother's face is burned and full of scars making her unrecognizable.

He only found out now that she committed suicide by burning the place she's staying at with her inside of it. Nothing hurts him more than imagining all the pain she went through that made her kill herself in that manner.

Somehow he felt like blaming himself, if only his mother didn't got pregnant then his father wouldn't marry her. He wish that he should've never been born then this would never happen.

He wanted to scream. He wanted to cry but his father restricted him from doing so. For him, crying is a sign of weakness.

But how could he stop himself? The woman that was everything to him is now lying in a casket in front of him.

He tried his hardest to stop himself from showing any emotions like what his father asked him to do when he suddenly remembered those times she took care of him, teaching him everything she knows about life. Those happy moments and memories they shared together.

He tried but he couldn't stop himself. His eyes is red from trying to stop himself from crying as tears fell down from his eyes and that... made him panicked.

He immediately wiped his tears with his hand as he took a glance from his father.

"What did I tell you?" His father stood up from where his sitting with anger in his eyes

Taste Of Sin II: Breaking The Rules (On Going)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon