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Now follows a conversation about Nemesis-entitites, Aloy thought. Let's get this over with.

- Aloy. I have considered a threat called Nemesis that is coming in waves to our world in a few months.

- Let's guess. The situation is critical and dire as always, 'cause the survival of all species and life forms on Earth hangs in the balance.

- Generally speaking, exactly. But more specifically, we have many options at our disposal and I would not say that everything is as bad as it seems at first glance. I think there is no reason for panic and hysteria.

Aloy nodded. Gaya told her earlier that she had managed to preserve a lot of data from the archives of the Far Zeniths and that she had managed to "absorb" enough knowledge to be able to control their advanced technology. Including Printer Matrix, an advanced and superior version of Cauldron machine manufactures.

Gaya nodded.

- We were lucky, Aloy. We could have lost everything to the betrayal of Tildia Van der Meer, but we didn't. When you merged the remaining subordinate functions with my heuristic matrix, I realized that I was much more creative and capable than before.

- APOLLO tasted good, it seems? - Aloy tried to joke, and Gaya, quite successfully, tried to smile.

- It did. Total sum of ancient human knowledge, available in considerable detail and within reach of today's world and future generations... I must inform you that I immediately decided to make several copies of these precious archives, in different formats. At this point in most Cauldrons copies of APOLLO are fully completed. And soon accessible to everyone, using Focus devices or the most common voice interaction. In a variety of formats, including paper one. Books, Aloy, from now on your people will be able to read about past times through books. Isn't that beautiful?

- It is incredible. I believe I will enjoy studying all of this for the rest of my life... if I survive the troubles that follow ahead, of course.

- Of course. The return of APOLLO is a big step forward and an advantage for all of us, and to me personally, and to this whole world. We have the opportunity to learn from the experience and mistakes of our predecessors and make better decisions. Don't you agree?

- Maybe. If nothing else, we will not surrender, no matter what - Aloy said and Gaya nodded firmly.

- I will return to the topic of possible cultural improvements of human civilization a little later. So far, I have a few suggestions and observations regarding the threat named Nemesis.

- I'm listening - Aloy seriously replied.

- Nemesis is a sentient being divided into an hive-like ship formation with the intent to destroy. Human destructive emotions and impulses completely rule it. Technological superiority too. Nevertheless, I believe that we can use their dominant, destructive orientations to our advantage.

- How? - Aloy said curiously.

- Several ways. First, technology. The first step: learn from Far Zeniths technology and perfect it.

- Is it possible to do that... for someone like you? - Aloy said in mild disbelief.

- It's already done. I successfully attached their knowledge archives to my own and in the last 24 hours I improved 93.5% of their technological designs and improved their practical efficiency by a full 46%.

- How...? - Aloy was genuinely amazed, and then she stopped - wait a minute, does that mean you can successfully recreate their technology? Personal shields, multi-purpose tools that invoke and manifest themselves by their minds on their hands? Even one's personal ability to fly?

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