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I was so excited bcoz this is my first to join a prom night. I was wearing a dress.that dress is color Aqua with gems that sparkle , my shoes is black sparkling high heels and my hair my water fall braided and my nails was black and I wear make up.
Ting dong.
I opened the door I was shocked because there was a limousine outside and of course my boy friend. AKA MR.nerd.

You look so beautiful!, mr. Nerd said.
Umm thank you ! You look so handsome BAE!, I promise that I wouldn't leave u! Until the end of the night.I replied.
Mr. Nerd then kissed me to my cheeks.
Time Skip(prom)
I'd seen my friends with their BAEs .

Juzelle let's vote for the prom queen and king.
Oh , wow! Is that Sarah Parker?!, the most famous , popular and beautiful girl crush in campus and his boyfriend the team captain of the basketball varsity team!!!!, I said surprisingly.
Who'll we gonna vote!?, I asked.
Of course u and ur BAE!, my friend replied.
But thanks , I'll just vote for sarah Parker and her boyfriend, I added.

Ok , what are we waiting for lets go!

There was music and etc,
I was so amazed like I will faint for the awesomeness.

After 3 hours.
High school people choose your partners and get ready for the dance.

Love music started😍
May I, mr. Nerd said.
Of course u king!, I replied.
We danced and danced until 11:30 Pm.

Now Guys we are now announcing this year's prom king and queen . It is.......... Princess Juzelle Rose Equiva and Alessandro Santos! .

I was happy and shocked!!

Kringggg.. (Phone ringing).
I answered it and it was mom
Juzelle at exactly 12 midnight you should go home! Bye baby!

I forgot that we had a curfew! But the night will finish at 3?!
Umm. BAE I need to go home now , I know that ur drunk but pls. Don't do something wrong.! I said.
Ok , BAE!, he replied.
YES! Now that Juzelle's leaving I had a time to break them.

I will dress like Juzelle so Alessandro can kiss me!!!!

After a few minutes.
BAE! I'm back, Kayla said (disguising like me).
Oh yeah! ( Alessandro kissing Kayla slowly). Mr. Nerd replied.
And then!!
I came back because I forgot to hug Alessandro and I saw Kayla and BAE kissing , I ran and ran.
Alessandro ran and followed me!
While running
Juzelle! Don't leave me! I know it's an accident, mr, nerd said.
But. I told u not do something wrong , now here's your surprise! Thank you for making this night a disaster. Coz we're done!!, I replied while crying so hard.
And last word I'm leaving tomorrow and go to America, so now are u happy?!, I added.
Juzelle don't leave me!, he replied.
I got home crying .

I send a message on facebook to mr. Nerd telling.
Thank u for being a nice and bad boyfriend. I hope u will continue ur life in here. I'm leaving tomorrow bcoz u rarely made my heart broken in to a millions of pieces. So bye! And thank u for everything.
- love Juzelle
Thanks for everything you'd always be my nerd friend.

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