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Screams echoed through the chamber as the dasis ran around frantically, looking for help. Sugadha was finally in birth after months of waiting. But there was no one around to help. Everyone was awaiting the birth of Maharani Gandhari's Jyesth-putra. Sugadha couldn't and wouldn't blame her, of course. Her sakhi did not want anything of this sort to ever occur. Nor did she, for that matter. So, why is it that she is being subjected to this fate? She never wanted to bear children to the king. Yet, here she was at midnight giving birth with just the other dasis who lived with her to help.

Nevertheless, she would not lose hope. These children were still hers. Her blood ran through their veins. She had carried them in her womb for all these months. She screamed in pain attempting to push her children out. Everyone said motherhood was the best part of a woman's life. Never did anyone mention the trials and tribulations of it. More women were lost to childbirth than men to war. But they were women. They would go through it and come out stronger, for that was their strength.

After a long and painful night, Maharaj Dhritharashtra was blessed with his 3 of his 103 children.

Soon, he had all of his 103 children. The 100 Kauravas and Sushala from Gandhari and the twins, Yuyutsu and Adirekha from Sugadha. The kingdom of Hastinapur was in joy, celebrating the births of their new princes and princesses. And Gandhari was never one to hold bitter feelings towards her own. She and Sugadha, both adored and doted over all the children the next day, both remaining ignorant to the gruelling fate the children had lay out in front of them.

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They faced ridicule as they grew up. 'Veshyaputri' and 'Dasinandan' were the names they were given. Their own father did not give them much regard initially, but they soon gained his affection too. Afterall, they were just a result of an attempt to spite and hurt Gandhari. But they were not discouraged. They still had their Maa, Mata, Suyodhan and their 99 anujs and anuja. The Pandavas too. The enmity between the Kauravas and the Pandavas could stay between those two clans though. They grew up receiving the same treatment by most people in the family and it was all well for them up until it was time for Yuyutsu to go to Gurukul and Adirekha to Kanyakul.

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"Why is it that only Yuyutsu can go to a Gurukul to learn? Why do I have to go to a Kanyakul? Yes, I understand that I am a woman but what if I wanted to learn to fight? It is not only men that have such a right. Women can also fight. And what is the point of all of this if anyone just marries me off?" exclaimed Adirekha, as she stormed into her mother's room after learning of this news.

"Rekhe, that is how it is. Women learn the things that are expected of them at a Kanyakul and men learn things expected of them at a Gurukul. And it is an honour to even go and study. Most women and men do not even get the chance of education." her mother explained with a slightly exasperated smile on her face. She was proud of her daughter for questioning societal norms but also a bit worried as it may cause issues in the future. "Yes Maa, but we don't have to just do what is expected of us. We should also be able to do what we desire to. That kind of thinking and ideas are what education should give us. We shouldn't just sit back and accept everything that is told to us."

"Putri, if you want to go to a Gurukul and learn warfare or whatever it you would like to learn, I will support you. But it isn't I who takes these decisions. And I do not have the power to change these decisions. Take it up with the court if you would like to. You still may not get to go but at least you would have tried."

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