chapter 3

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"What? PanchalNaresh committed such an act? But Panchal is known for being an honourable nation. It is known for it's equality. How could he have done something like this?" Rekha asked, outraged at the injustice .

"Yes, well, ever since Pitashree was insulted at the hands of his old friend, he is determined to to get justice. Not only for him, but for me as well." answered Drauni.

"So, we will have to wage a war?"

"Not we, just you"

"Oh, don't joke with me, you..!" Rekha exclaimed as Ashwatthama let out a laugh. They were at peace in that moment; with themselves, eith each other and the world.

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Adirekha was seated above the court with the rest of the women. Maharaj Dhritharasthra was to choose the Yujraj of Hastinapur today. The men of the court seated today all seemed to be going through different emotions.

Mahamantri Vidur was looking worried. He knew of his brother's weakness when it came to his children. And his children had been poisened with something worse than. Their minds were poisened with hatred, anger and jealousy.

Perhaps it was their fate. After all, that was what was told to them on the night of the birth of their first child, Suyodhan. Perhaps, it could've even been changed. But the king's soft spot for them and the world's obvious wariness towards them due to the prophecy didn't help.

But remove all these factors, you'd still have to consider one more factor: Gandhar Raj, Saubala Shakuni. The snake that was Mamashri had wrapped around them like a python wraps itself around its prey. Yes, Gandhari had been wronged by the Kuruvansh, Subala had been wronged by the Kuruvansh, his brothers had been wronged by the Kuruvansh, Gandhar had been wronged by the Kuruvansh. Hell! Even he had been wronged by them. But that gives him no right to ruin the lives of so many that wasn't even involved in that drama.

"Hear ye, hear ye! Maharaj Dhritharasthra is entering the court room!"

Everyone stood up as he entered the royal court, helped by his companion and trusted advisor Sanjay.  His steps were slow paced and he trembled slightly as he walked. His mind was full of thoughts and worries. After all, it was today that the Crown Prince of Hastinapur was to be chosen.

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"Pitashree! The king's son is the one to be crowned the next king!"

"Maharaj, you were given the throne when Maharaj Pandu chose a life of ascetism for penance. It is only right that now that his children are back in the court and city of Hastinapur, Jyesht Pandav be declared heir to the throne."

"Maharaj, this is your decision to make. Both your child and I have completed our training as per the laws of the kingdom and each of us are completely adept and running a kingdom. Whatever it is you say, I shall accept and follow accordingly"

The court held its breath in bated anticipation. Not that they actually expected any conclusion to this dilemma with the ways of this kingdom anyways. This would take years to decide and another hundred to come into practice. Afterall, no empire is built in a day whether that be Bhagwan Ram's or the Pandavas'.

The court were whispering and making comments for their own amusement when all of a sudden the court announcer rushed in.

"What is it?" asked Pitamah.

'Mahamahim Bheeshm, Mahamanti Vidur, Maharaj Dhritharashtra, the guru of the the young princes requests an audience."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2022 ⏰

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