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Adrian's POV

Sun rays peeked from the curtains in my room and shone on my face as I tried to make sense of the dream I just had. What could it possibly mean?. I groaned internally as my eyes fluttered open. I continuously blinked them to make them adjust from the sudden light produced from the sun. I licked my dry lips and rubbed my eyes to chase my sleep away. I was really tired considering I had long day yesterday. I sighed as I theew the covers off me and swung my ffet to the side and stood up. I re-made my bed and shuffled my
way to my conjoined bathroom. It wasn't really big, just enough for me to take a shower, brush my teeth and do my business. I walked to my mirror and looked at my horrifying face.

My curls were a mess on my head, and I had bruises on my cheeks, neck, shoulders and arms. Sighing, I raised my shirt up to study the dark purple bruises on my ribs and torso, which certainly weren't this visible yesterday. I quicky pulled my shirt down and reached for my toothbrush. I squuezed a good amont of toothpaste on my toothbrush before running it under water and sticking it in my mouth. While brushing, I noticed my red eyes which were probably fom all the crying I did last night. I'm sure I've ran out of tears. Glancing around the bathroom, I noticed my slightly cracked phone on the floor from last night. I picked it up and studied the cracks on it. Seeing these bad cracks mad me recall what happened yesterday.


I nearly tripped on my shoelaces as I sprinted down the hallways. I didn't even care thatmy legs an d bruises were screaming at me to take a break. I had to get class on time or else Mr. Raymond would kill me for sure. My classroom was located at the far end of the building, so that didn't help my situation either. Glancing at my watch, I sighed in relief as I saw that I had one minute left to get there. I was a few steps there when a hab dgrabbed my arm from behind and jerked me forward to tbem. I yelped as a sudden pain shot though my arm. My eyes met with cold blue eyes which belonged to none other than the most popular and notorius boy in this school. Zack was his name.

His face held a disgusting smirk that I had the urge to wipe off. God, I've never wanted to punch someone this badly.
"Tsk tsk tsk, you always seem to want to find my trouble. Do you have a crush one me?! He gasped dramatically.
'In your dreams bastard' I thought.
"Damn, Adrain, I'm flattered but I'm not gay if you get the hint" He laughed.
I know what you're thinking. Why would that be gay? You'll soon find out.
Tightening his grip on my arm, he whistled and his entourage decided to make their presence known. They circled me with sinister smirks on their faces. These four boys, Zack includeď have made my school life hell, if I'm totally being honest and from the look of things these days, it didn't look like they would stop anytime soon. They shoved my bag off my shoulders and gave me a thraetning push. Looking down, I waited for whatever they were goig to throw at me. It didn't take long for the punches, slaps and kicks to be thrown at me.
When they were satisfied, they left me on the floor with countless bruises and a busted lip.

I willed myself to get up and dusted my clothes. I picked my bag and made my way to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw the fresh bruise on my face. Grabbing a pack of tissues from my bag, I wiped my bleeding lip. I had to take care of these bruises if I didn't want mom finding out. I fished out the foundation from my bag and quickly applied it on my cheeks. The bell rang just as I finished. Crap, people would have come out of their classrooms by now meaning I had to face all their stares. I took a deep breath and made my way out. As usual, I ignored the disgusted stares that were thrown at me. 'This is going to be a long day' I thought as I made my way to my next class.


I laughed dryly, as I rinsed the corners of my mouth. I turned around and started to undress myself. Hopping into the shower, I closed the shower curtain behind me. I turned the water on and stood under it. I poured some loofah into my hand and lathered my scalp with it. I sighed in content and repeated the process a few times. When finally convinced it was clean, I rinsed it out and continued to scrub the rest of my body. I was done under ten minutes. I got out and dried my hair and body. Walking out, I made a beeline for my dresser and yanked open the second drawer. I grabbed the first pair of boxers I laid eyes on slipped them on. I want to the closet and picked a beige sweater and a pair of sweatpants. I would have gone with a shirt but my bruises had to be covered. I tossed them on the bed and went back to the bathroom. Opening the cabinet, I fished for what was hidden at the back. I grabbed ahold of the foundation I 'borrowed' from my mom for such situations. I quickly applied some on my cheeks, neck and shoulders. I washed my hands, grabbed my lhone from the sink and got out. I put on my clothes and moisturized my hair before tieing it in a low bun. I didn't need a sports bra, my breasts were really small. Slipping my feet into some slides and headed out of the room.

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