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I was in a beautiful unusual garden. Someone suddenly walked up to me. At the moment I was scared but relaxed a bit when an innocent pixy face stared at me.
"Hello, I'm Anabelle and I'm a fairy but you can call me Anna". She said with a smile. She had beautiful strawberry blonde hair and perfect white skin. She was wearing a blue dress and she had crystal blue wings. I had to admit, she was really pretty. Wait, since when did I startdreaming of fairies or angels?. This has to besomesick joke.
"O....kay Anna nice to meet you but what is this place?" I asked confusion filling my voice.
She chuckled lightly and said "Adrian you're so funny. This is a secret garden . This is where all the mystical creatures live including angels sent on missions".
"Sure but how do you know my name?" I asked really confused.
"Hmmm how do I explain? Let's just say I'm your personal fairy who will grant you six wishes". She said
"Really??!! Six wishes?. This is incredible cause in every fairytale, the protagonist gets a maximum of only three wishes".
"Well Adrian, here in the secret garden we grant six wishes instead of three. It's just how we roll".
'This is all so weird', I thought
"Cool". I said.
"Now for the main question, why am I here?". I asked.
"Oh, I almost forgot. Listen very carefully Adrian, I'm going to grant you these six wishes when you need them the most. I will appear to you the same way I did today. Now, I would advice you to make your wishes wisely. Next time I appear to you, I will just go straight to the point by asking you what your first wish is. This is because, we are not allowed to beat around the bush when visiting the second time. I can't give you specific days on which I will appear. But I will appear when the times are right. Your life from now on is going to be very interesting. Just you wait and see. Goodbye Adrian" she closed.
"Goodbye Anna" I waved.
I watched in confusion and admiration as she flew away twinkling in the night sky. I had listened carefully to what Anna had told me. I still had a lot of questions in my head. What does this mean?, When will I see her again?. Not wanting anything else to happen, I turned around and made a run for home.

End of dream

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