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Neil's pov//
I look behind me to see manny, a kid that wanted to sign up for extreme sports camp. "What do you need manny?" I asked while bending down to his height. "Neil how do you get a girl to like you?..." said manny. I then stood back up. "Manny I don't actually know! You might want to ask nikki about that!" I said to the young green eyed boy. He then ran back to his tent. I sighed and then went to the counselors cabin to see what was on the news. A few minutes a kid starts to rapidly knock on the door. I open it and it was bo a kid that was interested in space, I like that kid... he kinda reminds me of space kid. "What do you need bo?"

Bo then pointed to his right. When I looked a saw that manny had broken his leg. I ran up to manny to see what was happening. Turns out Amelia threw a rock at him while he was on the ramp and when he tried to dodge it he slipped. God Amelia was worse than nurf. "Ok ok manny um...god" I carried him to the counselors cabin and then placed him on my bed. I didn't know what to do I was trying not to panic infront of manny. Then Tommy and star bardged into the cabin. Tommy then pointed at star and then shouted. "THAT'S THE BOY THAT LIKES ME!" Star then screamed and ran out the cabin. Manny then tried to get up and chase after them but I stopped him. Then he blacked out in my hands. I then pulled my phone out and then called the ambulance. About 8 minutes later nikki and max arrive. I run up to them and tell them what happened. I was told to watch manny in the hospital while they took care of the camp.

At the hospital manny's pov//
I woke up in the hospital so confused on what happened. I look to my right to see neil crying. "N-neil?" I said. He then snapped out on whatever he was thinking and just hugged me. I have never felt a hug like was warm! Comforting. When my parents would hug me they would only do it to look good infront of people. I would feel like I was stabbed in the back by my own parents when ever they would hugged me. I hugged neil back, I never wanted him to stop I felt safe...

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