dance pt.1

18 1 0

Manny's pov//
I felt so embarrassed how did Tommy even know that I have a crush on her?! But when we got back to the camp everyone was already sleeping. I had to walk on crutches now so that sucked. Once I got in my tent I look beside me to see Tommy sleeping. God why is she so perfect? And how did she know? I layed down and then tried to fall asleep but I couldn't. The thought just kept crossing my mind time to time. I then finally fell asleep peacefully.

Tommy's pov//
I woke up in the middle of the night because of a nightmare. I look next to me to see manny. Why does that fucking weirdo like me anyway? We have nothing in common. I look next to him to see some crutches. I sighed and got off my bed. I put my shoes on and then walked out the tent. I walked to the lake and just sat down. That's where I always go when I need to relax. I then heard foot steps from behind. I turned my head to see star. "Oh thank God it's just you!" I said. Star sat next to me and looked at me. "I think I like someone!" Star said. "Same." I said and at the same time we both said the same thing. "Grass!" We both were silent. Star then started to play tackled me. A few minutes later we stopped. We both looked at the sky.

"I think everyone is awake!" I said while getting off of star. We both then stood up. "Well no shit Sherlock!" Star said while dusting herself. We then walked back to camp to see everyone looking at the mess hall. "What are they looking at?" Star asked. "Missing flyers of your dad ohhh!" I said jokingly. "Haha very funny Thomas the train!" Star said. "Ok we should go see what it is run away star!" I said while rubbing my hand on her hair. She then hit my hand and leaded me to everyone. "What's all this about?" I asked. "The dance!" Said sophia. "A dance!?" I asked. I looked closer to the paper. The dance was in two days. I look at star and she was already giving me a look to tell me that I was going to dance. If you don't know I HATE dancing.

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