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Allie's pov//
When I woke up I was on my bed. "R-Randy?" I said. No reply. I stood up and checked outside. It was night...and everyone was already sleeping. I looked through the window of the counselors cabin and max, nikki, and neil were asleep. I went into the mess hall and I saw nothing. This should've been normal but it wasn't.

I walk back to my tent and I looked to my right to see randy tossing and turning. I then start to talk "Randy are you ok-" "AHH!" Randy screamed. I jumped a little but then got closer once he started crying. "Randy are you ok?" I asked. He then hugged me tightly and wouldn't let go. Soon enough his cries woke up the whole camp. "Is he ok?" Nikki asked. "I don't know!" I said. I finally hugged him back. He then tried to calm down but he sadly couldn't. "Randy what happened that has you like this?" Neil asked from the entrance of the tent. I tried to say something but his cries were covering it. "I think he was having a nightmare!" Nikki said. Randy then nodded his head.

Randy's pov//
"What was the nightmare about?" Aliie asked trying her best to comfort me. "My-m-my AAHAH!" I couldn't talk. My cries wouldn't go and I sounded like a fool. But really my nightmare was that my parents gave me to my abusive sis and she was beating me up and stuff. Allie hugged me again but I was to weak to hug back.

Later that day//
I was sitting on the dock just sitting and doing nothing. I was relieved that I was able to cry infront of people and none of them judged me. I then start humming some of my favorite songs. Humming always was a way to help me cope with anger or sadness. "Hey randy!" Sais allie "AH!" I said in shock. I jumped so high that I fell into the lake. Allie then let out a giggle making me blush a little knowing the fact that I made her smile. When I got out the lake she was already running away.

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