Making friends!

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3rd Person

As Katsuki was heading to class, he bumped into another student, knocking them both to the ground. He quickly got up and offered them a hand.

"I'm so sorry about that!" He was quick to apologize.

"It's fine, whatever"

"Hey, what's your name? I'm Katsuki Bakugou."

"Monoma." The boy replied, then walked off. (Yo wtf is his full name- I forgot lmao)

Bakugou walked off to his class, and soon forgot about the boy till the end of the, when he ran into him again.

"Hey watch where you- oh it's just you."

"Yea, sorry about bumping into you again, Monoma right?"

"Mhmm. Your Bakugou, correct?"

"Yup! So, you wanna hang out sometime?" Bakugou asked, a little nervous.

"Yea sure, why not."

Earlier that day, Yuukira High

Izuku was rushing to his class, and saw there was only one seat left, next to a white haired boy he had never seen before. He sat down, and while waiting for the teacher, started up a conversation.

"What's your name?"

"Saki. And you?" The boy quietly responded focused on whatever he had Infront of him.

"Izuku." And with that, the teacher walked in, starting the lesson.

After class was over, Saki and Izuku started talking again.

"So what do like to do?" The white haired boy asked.

"Be around my family." Was the short reply.

"Cool- uhhh wanna trade numbers or something? To keep in contact-?"

"...Sure." was the hesitant reply.

The two traded numbers, and with that, went to their next classes.

A/N: MOTIVATION IS HERE! Also thanks to dragongirl29 for the suggestion! Also- what if I made an SCP story based off an oc I created-? And sorry if Monoma is ooc, idrk how to write him without making him a total bitch lmao. Have a nice day/night loves!

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