Chapter 2

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October 22, 2021

Mateo woke up early, more excited it is a friday and he's ready for the weekend to continue on working with his own mostly handmade costume for the Halloween party. Mateo got up and started his routine of preparing himself for school. After finishing showering himself (even if it was a pain in the ass since his wounded hand needs time to properly heal), drying his hair and wearing different clothes, he grabs his backpack while brushing his teeth and something catches his eyes. He thought the he threw it in the trash bin among many other things. He must have forgotten to do that since he was busy taking care of his two younger sisters.

“Mateo, it is time for you to go to school!” His mother's voice came out from downstairs.

“I'm going!” Mateo shouted back so that his mother could hear him, after taking out the toothbrush from his mouth.

He put the thing underneath his own sketchbooks keeping a reminder to throw it away when he got back home. Quickly finishing with brushing his teeth, putting his toothbrush in a cup and spitting out the foam of the toothpaste. He started to run down the stairs to give his mother and younger sisters, who are having their breakfast since they are going to school soon with their mother driving them there, a kiss on the cheek to say his goodbyes. He starts walking towards the same route that he takes going to school and he is instantly met with one of his friends, Bobby.

Bobby has curly orange hair and winter gray eyes. He is currently wearing a simple red shirt and khaki dyed jeans. His hand is grabbing onto the worn-out strap of his backpack, a sign that he has something on his mind.

“What are you thinking?” Mateo asked, curious about what could be bugging his friend.

“I- well. I have noticed that guy that you dated. He umm...” Bobby couldn't help but mumble out, feeling more nervous having to say what he had noticed throughout the week.

“What about that douche?” Mateo sarcastically asked, in reality he wants nothing to do with Jeremy. He should probably stop being sarcastic around Bobby since he tends to take everything seriously.

“I keep noticing that he is looking at you during class.” Bobby says, worrying about what this information could do to Mateo.

“Can you not talk about that guy? I just want to move on from him. Okay? I don't want my day to be ruined before I step into school.” Mateo seriously stated, walking a little faster so that Bobby gets the gist.

And so they continue to walk the route to the school ground. They walked the rest of the way in pure silence, not a single noise coming from one or the other.


Mateo is sitting down on his own seat looking at his new assigned partner for a project. From all of the people that he could have been paired up with to do the project in fourth block he ends up with the jerk. The said jerk is currently moving a desk so that they can sit closer together.

“So Ma-” Jeremy began to say with hopeful eyes but was cut off by Mateo.

“We are here to work on the assigned project. Not to talk personally towards each other.” Mateo easily said, crossing his arms and learning far from Jeremy. “Besides we are in a public no-cussing-zone. But even with that you don't want to hear what I have to say to you.”

Jeremy started to sink into his seat. Mateo couldn't really read any of the emotions the other was showing, not that it really mattered, but he does hope that the other got guilt weighing on his shoulders. Mateo began to open the textbook that the teacher told them to read from and started reading from it focused on the words in front of him to not have to focus on the douche.

They both has aggressively argued -in other words fought- and broke up last friday in the fifteen. He knows that he should hear out Jeremy's reasons but he just wouldn't do that. It's just him being stubborn and he has the right to be stubborn. What makes it worse is that he had figured out a painful truth, heard from other people's mouths and not Jeremy himself. Just remembering anything that involved Jeremy felt bitter. If he keeps up being like this, he might as well let his emotions go numb. He is now focused on finishing the project so that he doesn't have to spend more time with the person in front of him. He doesn't mind getting a bad grade for doing that.

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