Chapter 6

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October 31, 2021

“So are you going to dress up and go trick-or-treating with Delilah and me?” Mateo's sister asked, playing with a strand of her curly hair.

“Definitely but this time I'm gonna be dressed up as myself since I'm your knight in shining armor. Hey don't mess with your hair didn't you say that you wanted to be a princess... What's her name?” Mateo asked, looking at his sister, who stared at him in disbelief.

“I want to be a beautiful princess, don't make me change my mind. And her name is Tiana!” She said fumbling in her dress that she is wearing.

“Oh so that is why you are wearing green. I thought that you wanted to change your color of clothing.” He said while trying to figure out how to do his sister's hair, who gasps at her older brother.

“Can you do my hair please?” She asked using her younger-sister charm.

“Fine, let me get some things so that I can make your princess hair.” He said going to a different room that has all of the hair products.

She and her curious mind took over; she had always wondered why her brother had broken so many of his things. And so she began her search around the room to give her some clues. She has been waiting patiently for two weeks and had given her brother some space since her mother explained that he needed some space to heal. She didn't like the fact that he and her mother hadn't explained the reason that he hurt his knuckles just because she was too young. And after opening his sketchbooks she found something small and happy. Mateo walks back with some material in his arms.

“Fleur, what are you doing?” He asks, seeing her standing up which she wasn't when he went to get the things. Placing the things in his drawing table.

“Nothing.” She said quickly, putting the thing back and turning around to face him. She sat back down and couldn't help but ask.“Why did you hurt yourself and made a mess?”

He was debating if he should tell her or not. “Oh well... Do you remember Jeremy?” He asked, watching Fleur and seeing her nod her head. “He and I had argued and things ended between me and him.”

“Like mom and dad?” She asked, remembering the times when she heard them shouting and they ended it in a divorce.

“No, not like mom and dad. It was more different.” He said remembering that it ended more quicker than his mother and divorce father.

“So are you not going to see him again?” Fleur asked wanting to know if she will ever see the blond again.

“Umm... do you want to see him again?” He asked, seeing her scared expression.

“Yes! He is so much fun, especially being in my plays.” She said recalling all of the home plays in the living room that they had imaginative fairy tales. “Can you forgive him? Pleaaase. I promise that it will make everything better like how mommy kisses our bandaged cuts to heal better. It will make you feel better like those heroes that forgive the villain in Big Hero 6!”

“Dang you really are good at playing a princess.” He said. “You and your pure heart will end up healing me.”

His sister smiled the happiest smiles already planning for a play for whenever Mateo forgives Jeremy or Jeremy forgives Mateo. Mateo started to do Fleur's hair making it more detailed than the style of the cartoon princess. A good seven minutes passed and their mother checked up on them.

“Mom, after taking the beautiful princesses to get their magical candy, will you let me hang out with my friends?” He asked while finishing Fleur's hair.

“You can only do that when you bring these girls back before nine o'clock.” She said already heading toward the door to do her night shifts of work.

“You heard the captain.” He said putting the tiara into his sister's hair. “You don't want to miss out on getting lots of candy. Come here your majesties. I present to you our family heirloom.”

Fleur twirls around showing her younger sister her costume. Delilah dressed as Supergirl making poses and imagining punching bad guys. He presented both girls detailed bags to collect their Halloween candy. Both of them are excited to go trick-or-treating.


Two minutes before Mateo takes his sisters trick-or-treating. Jeremy is with his father preparing themselves to see a movie. Jeremy is busy waiting for the popcorn to be heated up by the microwave for only two more minutes and then it's done. He hears the beeping of the popcorn being done, he grabs a bowl making sure it's clean and then pours the popcorn into it. He hears a buzz of his phone that is on the table. He gets it seeing a message pop up. He was about to block the message because of the person sending said message but before he could do that he was able to see a name in that message. The messages alone made his heart jump more than any horror movie that he was about to watch.

The messages read as follow:
‘Hey guys do you want to jump Mateo? Send by Richard.’
‘Yeah when and where do you want us to jump him? Sent by Scott.’
‘Tonight. How about that place that he always goes to? Sent by Oliver.’
‘Got it, I'm on my way. Sent by Scott.’
‘Alright then. Sent by Richard.’

He got up fast alerting his father in the process. He put on his jacket and started to make way toward Mateo's favorite spot to stop them from hurting Mateo.

“Hey son, where are you going?” He asks his son but, said son, ignores him.

Usually he would talk around town but right now he needs to go fast. Luckily for him, he owns a bike.


The guys have been waiting for a good hour waiting on their spots and one of them is smoking a blunt. The other two are waiting for Mateo to take this same route that he would take before the sun and the moon exchange places. After all that is how they decided to make Jeremy do that dare. Jeremy is already close to them, parking his bike on the side once seeing that Mateo wasn't in view.

“Guys are you seriously pulling a prank on Mateo?” Jeremy asked, showing them the messages that are in his phone.

“Yeah, it's very fun to mess that guy around.” Richard said, sighing after taking a breath in the puff of smoke coming out of his mouth and nose.

“Guys we already messed with him. We can leave him alone now.” Jeremy said, deciding to try and convince the guys to not do anything drastic with Mateo.

“Jeremy, did you forget how we work or what? Whenever we prank someone it has to last for two years. They have to be pranked for two full years. And since he broke up with the fake date we would have to teach him a lesson.” Scott told the other slipping a ring into his finger in each hand.

“Oh my, I know that look.” Oliver said, looking directly at Jeremy. “Ah, you're head over heels for Mateo.”

Scott looked deeper at Jeremy and said. “Ah shit you truly are. Even if you are head over heels for him, he still has to learn his lesson. Come on guys, let's go find him.” Scott finished saying, moving so that he could go find Mateo.

“Look Scott you don't have to do this.” Jeremy said, getting in the way of Scott. “You can just go and prank someone else.”

“You're right I don't have to do this. I want to.” After Scott said that, his hand connected towards Jeremy's jaw.

A fight started, getting more serious and bloody by the punch.

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