Ending (*optional* HAPPY ending)

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October 31, 2021

Richard started to film the two of them fighting, having started to do his own speech saying, “Look at this. Most of these actions wouldn't have happened towards a certain someone if he were to follow the rules. Oh, he really should have thought about keeping his mouth shut and not say any of those words that he said towards us. See we like to keep it simple: We say the rules and you follow. But of course there will always be that one lost sheep in the herd.”

“Richard put the camera away.” Oliver said, getting something from his pocket.

Richard doesn't do what Oliver said, still filming from the side commenting on certain points.

Scott is blocking hits and kicks from the other. Jeremy continues to try and give hits towards the other even if he was getting punched with ringed fingers that would leave scratches and bruises on his face and any part that Scott punched. He should have gotten better friends, it would have prevented all of this mess. He was so focused that he didn't notice the other five people in the area. How would he? He was busy punching Scott in the face with his body right on top of him.

Ouch... wrong move to make. Scott was able to put his legs against Jeremy's chest having pushes him away from him making Jeremy fall into the dirt and walkway. Most of his body on the walkway, his head hitting the dirt. He might have a concussion now. Scott was going to continue fighting Jeremy however before Scott could get near Jeremy, Mateo tackled Scott.

“Scott now!” Oliver called out, having moved from his spot that he was and hit any person that was near him, who happens to be Greg.

Scott was able to recover from the sudden lack of air getting something from his pocket, it being a switchblade. The click of the blade snapped into place. Jeremy quickly placed himself in front of Mateo shielding him from the upcoming blade.

“Ah! FUCK!” Jeremy shouted, clutching into his bleeding arm the sting coursing through his body.

Scott was about to strike again when suddenly a branch hit the face of the sandy blond dude. Mateo and Jeremy look up at their savior, who's holding the leavy oakwood offshoot.

“He really needs to sort out his priorities.” Tom said, poking the sandy blond guy with the branch to make sure that he is unconscious on them. Both of them looking at him wondering when Tom had the time to tear out the offshoot. “What? We needed a defensive weapon.”

Mateo and Jeremy get up seeing that Oliver is knocked out on the walkway with some leaves and pieces of smaller branches around him while Greg and Bobby have Richard underneath them so that he doesn't get away.

“Woah, since when did you have the time to knock out Oliver?” Jeremy said, looking at Greg and Bobby, trying to avoid touching his injured arm.

“He deserved it. He punched my boyfriend.” Tom said which surprised all of them mostly Greg, who was gaping at him like a fish out of water.

“You guys hear that, right? I'm not the only one hearing things now am I?” Greg said looking at Tom like he had just become a god to him.

“I- uh- Yeah we heard.” Mateo said feeling somewhat lost about what appears to be the sudden appearance of a relationship between Greg and Tom.

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