Chapter 2: Yuzhou (Part 1)

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FEBRUARY 7, 2022

To Travel by the Edge of a Creek – Chapter 2: Yuzhou (Pt. 1)

Two days passed. The three disciples said their farewells to Yun Yangzi and took their first steps into Jianghu.

Gu Yun and Jiang Ling made special trips to say goodbye to villagers and hunting families that they frequently visited, saying that they were leaving the mountain to temper themselves. The aunts and uncles¹ in the village thought of them as their own children, and for a time, they were reluctant to part with them, handing them fruit to take along on their journey. They gave the villagers their thanks, purchased three horses, then set off straight toward Yuzhou.

Even before entering Yuzhou, vendor’s stalls and peddlers lined the street. The three of them sat down at a tea shop.

“Did you hear? The Whale Gang² detained the goods from Mingzhou’s Gu family!” A shaven-headed uncle at the table next to them chatted with his companions.

“This Gu family of Mingzhou is a well-known merchant family in Jiangnan. Their business has actually grown so large that they’ve come to Yuzhou? They will surely meet with a dragon³, and I will watch them eat their loss. The Gu family has no way of dealing with the people of Jianghu. Their hands cannot reach this far.” Said another, an older brother with a face full of stubble, like a performer in a play.

“This is the territory of the Tang Sect. Have they not taken notice?” A lean young man said, sipping his tea.

The older brother with the beard replied: “The eldest daughter of the Gu family is afraid of offending the Tang family…” These older brothers and uncles continued their conversation enthusiastically.

Gu Yun, who was sitting to the side drinking his tea, did not know what expression to wear.

“Shixiong, could this … be your family? Should we go and help?” After hearing the conversation, Jiang Ling was in high spirits. She knew that Gu Yun was from Mingzhou and his family engaged in trade. The Gu family also sometimes had someone come over with gifts. Aside from a few items, Yun Yangzi sent everything, including the silver, back. To run into family matters after just descending the mountain, Jiang Ling felt ready to make some trouble.

“No, my sister can handle it.” Although Gu Yun had separated from his family when young, he often received letters from home, and he was more or less aware of the situation. He knew that his sister was dependable, but he could not help feeling anxious.

This Whale Gang was an unruly but mediocre group. A large sect, the Tang Sect, resided in Yuzhou. The Tang family did not mind those stealing water by the riverbank; once a small business itself, the Tang family would turn a blind eye to certain affairs. This time, when the Gu family’s eldest daughter, Gu Zhao, came to Yuzhou to negotiate on business, the Tang family also knew about this, and provided many benefits. However, it seemed like the eldest daughter of the head of the Tang family, Tang Wanyi, was not satisfied, and the negotiations broke down. The Tang family did not want to protect this batch of goods after all, and the Whale Gang moved on their devious plan.

Yun He saw that they had finished listening and drinking their tea, and she called them over to set off for the city to find an inn for the night.

As expected, Yuzhou city was truly prosperous. Restaurants and tea shops lined both sides of the street, with attendants at the entrances calling out to attract customers. Travelers sauntered by in an endless stream. The streets were paved with neatly cut stones, a far cry from the small villages at the foot of Crane Song Mountain, which would be filled with mud at the slightest rain.

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