Chapter 3: Upholding Justice (Pt. 2)

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FEBRUARY 18, 2022

To Travel by the Edge of a Creek – Chapter 3: Upholding Justice (Pt. 2)

Yun He’s brow creased, but as she glanced at Jiang Ling and Gu Yun, they both nodded. Yun He put down her misgivings, nodding as she replied: “A ling, go and investigate the bandits’ current situation.”

Jiang Ling heeded her words, swiftly changing into her night-traveling garments. She headed off in the direction Chu Yue mentioned, disappearing into the night.

Gu Yun was a little worried. He paced around the dilapidated temple, wearing out his mouth as he repeated “I knew I should have gone with A Ling,” but Yun He only commented that even if he went along, all he would be able to do was shadow Jiang Ling.

The firewood burnt in the temple for the entire night. The lingering sparks crackled and the temple was shrouded in an air of drowsiness. At the break of dawn, Jiang Ling returned to the temple, covered in dew.

The sleepiness of the resting travelers vanished at once.

“Shijie, I’ve investigated thoroughly.” Once Jiang Ling returned, she wasted no time in conveying the information to Yun He. She reported that the bandits were few in number, and their fortified hideout had two layers, but there were not any holding cells. She guessed that the main portion of their hideout lay underground. Altogether, there were less than forty bandits with some level of martial arts. It would be difficult to rescue them, but not impossible.

“I listened in on two guards. Their da-ge¹ is getting married today. We should act then.”

“Unbelievable, they really will use any means to plunder.” Gu Yun’s fists clenched in anger, wishing nothing more to immediately bring the brigands to justice.

Chu Yue’s face went white as she heard them speak: “It couldn’t be my sister…”

“Rest assured, even if it is your sister, he will not be getting married today.” Jiang Ling tightened her fist, revealing some of her fighting spirit.

“A Yun, those bandits are bound to be drinking wine tonight. Go to the nearby garrison and collect some knockout drops and antidotes.” Although these people were not anything to dread, there was, after all, strength in numbers and the kidnapped A Xin to consider. To avoid unnecessary trouble, Yun He made a plan, “Then, when the bandits have been knocked out, we will rescue them.”

Gu Yun and Yun He would lay in wait on the mountain path. If they encountered the wine cart, they would cut it off and mix in the knockout drops, and if there was no wine cart, then they would grab two guards and use their clothing to sneak into the kitchen and poison the wine there. Jiang Ling was responsible for keeping watch over Chu Yue from the outside. After waiting for a day, they did not see the wine-filled horse cart, but as the day darkened and Yun He was preparing to give up, a horse cart meanderingly arrived with two bandits on board. One was lean, his cheeks sunken, and the other was robust, his face covered in a sheen of oil. Both of their faces were bright red as their lips chattered away. In one glance, it was obvious that they had already sneakily had some of the wine.

Gu Yun picked up a stone in the palm of his hand and threw it. The stone smashed into the back of the lean bandit’s skull, making him fall off the cart. He landed on his head and was immediately knocked out.

The robust man woke up from his wine-induced stupor at that moment, immediately drawing the saber at his side and standing on top of the cart: “What son of a bitch dares to steal from this master…” The man had hardly finished speaking before Yun He chopped his neck with a hand, and he was knocked out as well.

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