Chapter 4: Thwarted Plans (Pt. 2)

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FEBRUARY 26, 2022

To Travel by the Edge of a Creek – Chapter 4: Thwarted Plans (Pt. 2)

The three of them tied up the remaining bandits, then entrusted one of the girls they rescued to go find the nearest garrison to clean out the bandit hideout. Lastly, they made arrangements for Chu Yue’s remains, using a tree trunk to fashion a make-do epitaph.

Jiang Ling stood beside the grave marker, looking at her own hands. The wound on her hand was not deep and would soon heal, but the pain she felt in her hand was no match for the pain she felt in her heart.

“Does it still hurt?” Yun He grasped Jiang Ling’s hand then asked.

Jiang Ling shook her head then sighed deeply. If only she had moved a little quicker at that moment.

“You should not blame yourself.”

They had done their best.

The trio made their farewells to Chu Yue, then set off toward the Blue Mountain once again.

Jiang Ling had evidently suffered a blow from this matter. During their travels, she could not muster up a joyful mood, and she was continuously downcast.

Gu Yun thought up many ways to try and help, but he usually only received an eye roll for his efforts.

Jiangdu Town was located at the base of the Blue Mountain. Because of the protection offered by the major sects and its position along the Fu River, government officials and businessmen operating within Jianghu liked passing through Jiangdu. The green ware craftsmanship in Jiangdu was well-known, attracting many merchants, so while Jiangdu was a small town, it was quite bustling.

The journey from Jiangdu to the Blue Mountain Sect was only half a day by foot, and going on horseback or using qinggong would shorten the trip to one shichen¹. The trio planned to stay in Jiangdu for a day to adjust before heading up the mountain the following day.

In Jiangdu Town, pedestrians flowed by in endless streams, with lively vendors crying their wares all along the streets. The bustling atmosphere scrubbed away the lingering shadow over the trio. They also followed teachings for keeping a peaceful and effervescent heart, so for these young people, they could quickly overcome the blow.

“Shijie, A Ling, they sell forging materials here.” Gu Yun and Yun He’s swords, “Qian Shui” and “Chu Yun,”² were casted by the elder of Blue Mountain Sect’s Sword Hall. Jiang Ling was aware that her natural endowments were not worthy of a precious sword and did not trouble Yun Yangzi about it. She picked a random sword to carry at her side, and Yun Yangzi did not insist. Gu Yun looked at the pieces of black iron at a vendor’s stall. Black iron was a first-class material for forging swords, so in his mind, he thought of forging a sword for his shimei.

The stall’s owner looked at the clothing of the trio, the embroidered bamboo pattern on their belts, and said: “The three of you must be young heroes of the Blue Mountain Sect. You have a good eye! This piece of black iron was just excavated from the mountain. Look at the quality, it would surely make a precious sword!”

The Blue Mountain Sect venerates bamboo. Bamboo was lofty and noble, and so the disciples wore garments adorned with bamboo leaves and grains. Yun Yangzi was a casual person and only gave the three disciples belts with bamboo patterns. The trio was also not inclined to expound on their relationship with the Blue Mountain Sect, and strictly speaking, they would only be considered half-disciples of the Blue Mountain Sect.

“How much?” Gu Yun rubbed his chin.

“A flat price of one hundred liang.”³


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