Chapter 5: An Agreement (Pt. 2)

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MARCH 6, 2022

To Travel by the Edge of a Creek – Chapter 5: An Agreement (Pt. 2)

On the way back.

“He Xi, your last name is He? Are the people of the western regions and the central plains similarly named?” Jiang Ling skipped ahead two steps, then turned to face He Xi. She walked backwards, her gait light.

He Xi shook her head, then she explained that in the language of the central pains, her name sounds somewhat like He Xi, so she had this kind of Han name.

“And you?” He Xi tilted her head, her amber gaze focusing on Jiang Ling. Jiang Ling was a little embarrassed by her stare, and she discovered that whenever He Xi would speak to her, she liked to tilt her head.

She immediately turned back around to walk side by side with He Xi, then replied: “Shifu told me that he picked me up by the side of a river, so I was surnamed Jiang. He wanted me to be like a bird, free and unrestrained, so he gave me the name Ling.”

“Then why are you not surnamed He?”[1]
Jiang Ling snorted a laugh when she heard this and said that Jiang was comparatively nicer, and that Jiang and He had about the same meaning.

Jiang Ling learned from He Xi that in half a month, their caravan would return after they completed their business talks in Jiangdu town. Jiang Ling told her that once the Qingshan Sect’s Sword Conference concluded, she would descend the mountain to bid He Xi farewell.

“If I go to the western regions one day, can I come find you?”

“You can.”

“Then how will I find you? I heard that the western regions are huge.”

He Xi removed a length of silver chain, very fine and entirely exquisite, from her hand, an elliptical, red cornelian gem dangling from the clasp. A pretty seal was inscribed on the gem, as if it was burnished in fire. She secured the chain onto Jiang Ling’s wrist, the length of the chain fitting quite well.

“A special craft of the western regions. Aside from me, no one can take it off. Like this, you won’t lose it. Over there, if you have anyone take a look at the chain on your wrist, they will know that you are my friend. Many people in the west know our caravan.”

She inspected it carefully once and was satisfied. Jiang Ling took her hand back and covered her wrist with her sleeve; her other hand caressed the chain lightly.

“You said that, once the Sword Conference finishes, there will be a celebratory banquet?” He Xi asked.

“Mhm, the letter that shijie received today said as much. At that time, the sect leaders and disciples from other sects will be there, too.”

“Mm. It’s late now, your shijie and shixiong will be worried about you.” He Xi lifted her head to look at the sky. The darkness of night had already fallen, and the streets had become very quiet, as if the lively scene from before had simply been an illusion.

“See you, then.” Jiang Ling, fully aware that she had been out too late, went to hurry back. She waved a hand at He Xi in farewell, then disappeared without a trace.

He Xi lingered for a moment, then walked back to the inn.

“So you still know to come back.” As soon as she returned, she heard Gu Yun’s grumbling from the entrance, “I was almost scolded to death by shijie.”

“Oh.” Jiang Ling detoured around Gu Yun to enter the room. She was happy today and was not inclined to squabble with Gu Yun.

“Shijie, look at her.” Gu Yun followed, complaining to Yun He.

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