Sneak Peek

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I do not own Harry Potter, J.K Rowling does.

"I watched as my friends completed the ritual. I do not know exactly what they have concocted. All that I know is what Sal has told me. It is a complex piece of magic that should allow them to return to world at least a thousand years in the future. R'ena had come up with a failsafe for their passion. Their school. To ensure that our kind will be able to exist in peace. To be sure that there would still be learning within our world. I believe this is a part of it.

Gasping, the four that I was watching stood to go to their beds. A ritual like this drains even the best of their energy. I will most likely never see whether or not it is worth all it took. As I could not even dream to attempt such a thing. My own magic is young still. Instead, I hope for the future. That they will not be as grim as these times.

In case this information is needed, I will pass this information down my family line. By the time they come back, hopefully, my descendants will be of service to them. If at anytime they are in need."


Here is a sneak peek that contains important information.


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