Chapter 8

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I don't own the characters or world, no matter how much I want to.

Godric, Rowena, Salazar

I was at my wits end. Ronald was right to say that we were doomed. I wish that I could say that I saw this coming, but I didn't. Even with Sight. Draco sought out Sirius to learn more about his mother's family, as his father forbade mention of any family other than the Malfoys during his childhood. What he learned shocked him. At least the Draco part, as Godric had suspicions. Harry asked Sirius about his family as well, but got a different result. Apparently the library had a few secret additions that were about the Potter family. After about a week of calm, the house erupted into pandemomuim. Draco had finally proved to be a sly prankster. Most targeted Ron. Not to mention the Malfoy family gift helping him disguise his sudden changing of sides and getting out of trouble. It was starting to get annoying. Speaking of which.

The sounds of angry screaming came from downstairs. Followed by laughter and other shouts. I put my head in my hands. The prank war had only just started last night, but everyone had been pranked at least once since. And there were a total of 15 people here on a regular basis. Yes, I am at my wits end.

I started downstairs towards the chaos. I opened the door to find Draco chasing one of the twins, Sirius having a staring contest with the other twin, and Harry laughing in the corner.

"What happened this ti-" A bucket fell on my head. Then I was yanked upside down. Silence reigned as everyone froze. Wiping my face of the lime green slime that was in the bucket, I caught a glimpse of the prankers. They were holding in their laughter.

"Sorry Mione, that was for Harry." A twin lowered me to the ground.

"That is it!" I stalked back upstairs, formulating a plan in my head. It is time that all these pranks stop. I washed off the slime, when it hit me. An evil grin on my face, I went to gather my team. Remus, Severus, Professor McGonnagal, and Ginny.

The next morning, the five prankers were absent at the beginning of breakfast. When they did come down, everyone burst out laughing. Draco and Harry's hair colors had switched. Draco's clothes were Gryffindor colors, while Harry's glasses had been changed to look like Rita Skeeters. The twins were blue from head to toe, with spots on their foreheads stating their full names. Sirius had rainbow hair, and was soaked. When they sat down, a lot of animal noises sounded, and Sirius got shocked until his hair stood up straight. I know, I can be absolutely evil when I want to.

"Well, I don't know who did this, but I believe you five deserve this. That prank war of yours, no matter how short, was frustrating. No more pranks from now on. We are cleaning this house today." Mrs. Weasley said.

Clean the house, we did. After a long day of cleaning, we at least made a good sized dent, I sat in my bed staring at the ceiling. Why did Mrs. Weasly insist that the adults helping couldn't use magic, it would help.

Rowena, love, did you have to prank me?

Of course, you know that you were part of the problem. And you needed a wake up call.

She is right, we were asking for it. Along with the twins and Sirius.

Fine, but that doesn't mean I like it. However, the timing was actually great. When that prank on my hair wore off, I saw a strawberry blond streak.

Glad I was of assistance. You should put up that glamor that we talked about in the morning.

Helga told me that she would be arriving in two days. I can't wait.

Good night, Sal.

Good night.

Good night my love. I drifted off to sleep feeling joy from those words.

A rather short chapter, but I felt that it was nessecary. What do you all think? Please let me know. Kind of like a comedic slice of life style. Enjoy!


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