Chapter 2 Tommy's secret & the story

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We went back to the lab. "It wasn't supposed to go this way. Was it?" Ethan asked. "An evil black ranger? No. Of course it's been known to happen." I said. "So what do we do?" Kira asked. "How are we supposed to fight her if we can't get near her?" Conner asked. "Maybe you don't have to." I said. Then I stood up. "That girl is not all she seems to be. She's my little sister." I said. "What? You have a little sister?" The rest of them asked. "Oh yeah." I said. "Why wasn't she with you when we first met?" Kira asked. "It's a long story. When my sister and I were young, we were inseparable. We would do everything together. One year for summer vacation we went to New Zealand and went to the shiba house to meet the shiba family. Our parents were really good friends with Jayden's mom and dad. And they were also good friends with Mentor Ji. About one or two years later Mesagog attacked. My sister was sent off into hiding. My mom told Mentor Ji to not let her out of his sight until she was ready to see me again. We would sometimes send letters to each other to stay in touch with each other but as soon as we become teenagers we just stopped writing to each other. Maybe she found out that this is the town that I am in." I said. "But that doesn't explain why she would attack you." Conner said. "That's a completely different thing. She needs more than my voice for her to know if it is really me." I said. "What's her name?" Ethan asked. "Her name is Ariel." I said. The next day I found something and contacted the others. Conner was the first one to show up. Then Ethan and Kira showed up. "Hey Dr. Oliver. We came as soon as we got the message." Ethan said. "You guys gotta see this." Conner said. "Please tell me you know where that black ranger is now." Kira said. "Not quite. But look at this." I said. I found what I think was something called a folding sword but there was like maybe two of them. "Looks like a sword that's folded up." Ethan said. "It is." I said. That's when Conner noticed the other one. "What about that one?" Conner asked. "Swords all over the place." Kira said. "Conner, Kira, you go to the warehouse. Ethan, you come with me to the docks." I said. They went to the warehouse. "This makes no sense." Conner said. "Are you getting anything?" Kira asked. "I don't know how to read this thing. Why didn't he give Ethan geek duty?" Conner asked. "Here, let me see that." Kira said. Conner handed the fossil finder to her. Then Kira got a reading. "It's coming from over here." Kira said. They come to a darkened path in the warehouse. "Why does it always have to be a creepy abandoned place?" Kira asked. "Let's just get it and get out of here." Conner said. They walk through the warehouse a little more and heard something. "At least we know it's not abandoned." Kira said. They look around the corner and saw a girl programming the sword. They went back around the corner. "You want to try talking to her?" Kira asked. "She doesn't look like a big threat. I could try." Conner said. They came around the corner. "Hey." Kira said. "I don't have time to play rangers. I'm busy." Ariel said. "We're not here to play, we're here to talk." Conner said. Ariel turned to them. "I'm not allowed to talk to strangers. I mean, do you really think I'm that stupid?" Ariel said. "No, not at all." Kira said. "So, who are you?" Conner asked. "My name is Ariel. Who are you guys?" She asked. "I'm Conner, and this is Kira." Conner said. "It's nice to meet you." Kira said. "It's nice to meet you too." Ariel said. Then they left. They started to fight the minion that Mesagog sent. Meanwhile in the warehouse Ariel is almost done with programming the sword. "Just a little more black samurai ranger power and it will be ready to use." Ariel said. The sword unfolded into a wolf. "Hey little guy. Glad you finally opened up to me." Ariel said. That's when I got there and noticed that I was too late. "Time to see what this one could do. Samuraizer! Go go samurai!" Ariel said to morph. The wolf folding sword folded up. She threw her sword into the air and placed the wolf folding sword down and did something. "Wolf folding sword! Mega mode power!" She said to go into the sword as it unfolded and grew. She got her sword back. "I don't believe it. The wolf folding sword!" I said. I have seen pictures of it but not in real life. "Hello again rangers. What do you think? Pretty cool sword, huh? Now, let's see what this wolf could do." Ariel said. She made it give a howl. She attacked them with the sword. "Wolf megasword, formation!" She said. It turned into a megasword. "Why are you doing this? You're loosing it." Kira said. "No, you're the one losing it." Ariel said. She disappeared after we were able to take her sword down. The next day Conner was playing some soccer when he noticed Ariel sitting on the bench by the soccer field. "How long has she been sitting there?" Conner asked. "I don't know, really didn't notice." His friend said. He walked over to her. "Hey Ariel, are you alright?" Conner asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." She said. "No offense girl, but you don't look fine." Conner said. "It's nothing, don't worry about it." Ariel said. Then she stood up and walked away. His friend came up to him. "You know that girl?" His friend asked. "Not very well, I only met her yesterday." Conner said. Conner went after her. "Ariel, I know she went this way." Conner said. Then she showed up from out of nowhere, knocking him to the ground. He morphed. "Oh great, it's you again." Conner said. "Tell you what, this time I'll give you a sporting chance." Ariel said as she threw her sword to the side. "Why do we have to fight at all? We're both rangers." Conner said. "You're a dino ranger, I'm a samurai ranger. It's a pretty simple concept." Ariel said. They fought for a while. After she thought it was over Conner went into super dino mode. "So, that's how you want to do it. Super samurai mode!" She said. After fighting for a while longer Conner beat her. "You beat me at my own game. Congratulations. Looks like you won't have to worry about the black samurai ranger." She said as she collapsed onto the ground. "Are you alright?" Conner asked. "Just a little, shaken up." She said. "Seems like a lot to me." Conner said. Then she walked over to her sword, picked it up and walked away. Ethan showed up after that. "Conner, are you okay?" Ethan asked as he helped Conner to get up. "I think so. Just so you know, this is the first bad guy to wear black." Conner said. The next day I was walking around town when I bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. Are you okay?" I asked as I reached my hand out to her to help her up. "Yeah, I'm okay, and it's fine, it happens sometimes." She said. She looked at me in the eyes after I helped her up. I got a good look at her face. Before I could say anything she turned and ran away. "Was that... Ariel?" I asked myself after she ran away. I thought about going after her but everytime I thought about going after something or someone, something stopped me every time. I don't know what is exactly stopping me this time.

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