Chapter 5 Ariel's fighting spirit

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I found out that she was in a coma a few minutes after I got her to the hospital. I really don't want her to die. I can't imagine my life without her. I had to live without her for a few years and now I'm just scared that I'm going to lose her too. We lost both of our parents years ago. And that was after we got separated. I don't know how many years ago that was because when I became a power ranger I lost track. I have a weird power that nobody knows that I have. I can see into people's minds to find out what they are thinking or to see what is going on in their mind. I have no idea how I got this power but I think that I have always had it. It's either that or it could be a power that Rita Repulsa gave me. Whatever the reason was, I decided to see what was going on in my sister's mind. I put my hand on her wrist and closed my eyes. I saw my sister standing in a desert like place with a huge puddle of water. "Hello? Hello. Anybody. What is this place?" She asked when she looked around. Then I saw another ranger up the hill from where she was standing. "Hello Ariel." The ranger said. She turned around quickly and saw my zeo ranger self. I opened my eyes at that moment and, let me tell you guys, I was in complete shock. "Whoa, what the heck was that?" I asked. I decided that I have to see what she does. I put my hand on her wrist and closed my eyes again. "Remember me?" My zeo ranger self said. "You're zeo ranger 5 red." She said. "That's right." He said. "But, that's impossible!" She said. "Oh, it's possible. And I'm still as tough as ever. The question is, are you?" He asked as he walked towards her. "What is this? I'm not gonna fight you." She said. "Then I suppose you will be destroyed." He said. They started to fight each other. After he got her on the ground three times he asked her if she was washed up already. Then he tried to kick her in the head with a jumping snap kick but she blocked it. Then he tried to kick her with a roundhouse kick but she grabbed his leg and somehow threw him back by a few feet. He got back up. "I see you've got a lot of fight left in you but is it enough?" He asked before disappearing. "Wait! What are you talking about?" She asked. I opened my eyes because I knew exactly what he meant by that. I had to tell her what he meant, I just don't know if she is able to hear anything. "Hey sis, I don't know if you can hear me but what the red zeo ranger meant was if you have enough fight to get through this. I want you to live. I want that more than anything. You're the only family member I have left. If you die, I'll be all alone. Ariel, just keep on fighting. Please, keep fighting for me." I said.

I put my hand back on her wrist and closed my eyes again. This time she is in a forest. Someone is calling her name. "Something tells me were not in Reefside anymore." She said as she looked around. "Or Angel Grove." My white ranger self said before showing up. "Finally cut that hair, huh Ariel?" My white ranger self said. "White ranger? But your powers were destroyed!" She said. I don't know how she could have known any of this. "You can't keep a good ranger down." He said. "Ugh, not again." She said. "For old times sakes." He said before they started to fight. He pushed her to the ground and pulled out his tiger sword. He pointed it at her as she got back up. They didn't make a move for about a minute. Then he tried to hit her with the sword but luckily, she dodged each move. It was like she was watching him like a wolf stalking it's pray. Then he used the lazer attack to send her to the ground again. Then they did some hand-to-hand combat. That was until he used a move called ahshi bahri (aka: Leg sweep) which sent her to the ground again. "You still with me? Come on, get up!" He said as he pulled her up and pinned her to a tree. "Don't forget, I know all of your brother's old moves." He said before pinning her to another tree. "That might be true, but I learned a bunch of new ones." She said before getting free and using a move that I guess she learned while she was in hiding which sent him to the ground. He got back up. "Whoa, impressive. Now we'll see if you can face your toughest challenge." He said before disappearing. "What? Like that wasn't tough?" She said. I opened my eyes again. "That was tough. Even I was having trouble with that one at some point when I was in the same situation as she is in right now." I said to myself. I put my hand back on her wrist and closed my eyes once again. She was by an old temple that is overgrown. "Okay, this is weird, even by ranger standards." She said before noticing the dragon dagger. She pulled it out of the tree it was stuck in. She saw my green ranger self. "I thought I'd might run into you." She said. "It's been a while Ariel, seeing you switch to the face of black." He said as he walked towards her. "Seems to work for me. Let me guess, you want to fight." She said. "You guessed right." He said. Then they started to fight with Ariel having the advantage by having the dagger. They did some hand-to-hand combat and he disarmed her and after using ashi barai he used the lightning attack to send her to the ground again after she got back up. He pinned her to a tree and she raised him above her head. As soon as she got him back down he threw her off of him. Then he picked up a pillar from the old temple and placed it down in a way that he could kick it towards her. He kicked it towards her and the impact that happened behind her sent her to the ground once again. He walked up to her. "You know better than anybody how powerful I am. Why don't you just give up the fight?" He asked. She looked at him right in the eyes. "That's the one thing I'll never do!" She said. I guess I should have seen that coming. He raised the dragon dagger and pointed it at her neck. To be honest, I thought that she was going to be killed but what happened was kinda shocking. "Then I guess this is over." He said. Then he lowered the dagger and held his hand out to her to help her up. "You passed the test." He said as he helped her up. "Test? What are you talking about?" She asked after he helped her up. My zeo ranger self walked up to her. "You haven't been fighting us, you've been fighting for your life." He said. Then my white ranger self walked up to her. "And you've proven that your will to live is stronger than any ranger power." He said. I opened my eyes. I knew that she was going to be okay. They gave her the black ranger samuraizer. Then they all said good luck black ranger. Then she woke up. "Ariel, you're okay." I said. "Yeah, never felt better." She said. Then she turned her hand over and opened it to reveal the black ranger samuraizer.

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