Chapter 19 Saving the orphans

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I looked at my message. "It's Terrence Smith." I said. "What does he want?" Ariel asked. "He's sending us a prayer for John." I said. "That's nice of him." Ariel said. Then I got another text, but this time, from a blocked number. "Oh no." I said. "What's wrong?" Ariel asked. "The plans have changed. Get all the codes from John now or a bomb will go off in 15 minutes!" I said. "A bomb?!" They all said. Then I got another message. "Somewhere in town in a place where there are kids with no parents." I said. "Can we have the number traced?" Kira asked. "We don't have time." I said. "You really believe there's a bomb somewhere in town?" Kira asked. "I do, Mesagog has technology no one else has." Ariel said. "He's not going to stop unless someone stands up to him." I said. "Should we ask John for the codes? He's being enestisied, but he may still be conscious enough." Kira said. "He'd never give us the codes." Ariel said. "Even if it means endangering his friends?" Kira asked. "Verses endangering the world? Yes. I'll contact the schools. Do you have any ideas about where else it could be?" I asked. "Reefside orphanage. I know where that is. This way!" Ariel said. We followed her to Reefside orphanage. We went down to the basement of the orphanage and found the bomb. We couldn't believe how big the bomb was. "Oh, wow. That's..." Kira said before Ariel cut her off. "A bomb. And it's big enough to blow up the entire orphanage." Ariel said. "I've never seen one like this." I said. "I'm calling the bomb squad." Conner said. "Ariel, go upstairs and tell one of the staff members that there's a bomb. They need to clear the building immediately." I said. "But are you staying down here? Tommy..." Ariel said before I cut her off. "Don't worry about me! Go, now!" I shouted. "Okay." Ariel said before going upstairs. "Did you notice the countdown screen?" Trent asked. "Yes, 11 minutes to go." I said. Meanwhile in a different part of town the bomb squad was contacted because of a code black at the orphanage. In Mesagog's lab George was wondering how we found out where the bomb was. "How did those rangers find out where the bomb was? Did they see you?" George asked. "No, I don't know how they knew but they are trying to defuse it now." Virginia said. "Well, it's not like they can stop it. Keep me updated but I need to get back into that surgery before they remove the device." George said. Back at the orphanage I sent the others upstairs to help Ariel and the staff members with clearing out the orphanage. "Everyone get out! Get out of the building!" Ariel said. Then she bumped into her old friend Tabatha who was one of the orphans that she would talk to with her sister who was named Olivia when she went there for her job. "Tabatha, how's Olivia?" She asked before noticing Virginia. "Virginia?" Ariel asked. "Hi Ariel." Virginia said. "Tabatha, stay away from her. Don't listen to what she says." Ariel said. "Why?" Tabatha said. "I don't know what she's offering you but just ignore her and go help your sister." Ariel said. Tabatha went go get her sister so that they can get out together. Ariel turned to face Virginia. "And you, I've got to get kids out of here. So, you just go, and stop being evil for a while!" Ariel said as she went to go help some of the kids. "Well, I guess they know." Virginia said to herself. Tabatha saw her sister at the end of the hallway where they shared a room with three or four other girls. "Olivia, what are you doing?" Tabatha said. "Just making sure our roommates get out of here safely." Olivia said. "Alright." Tabatha said. "We just need to get Isabella out, right now." Olivia said. "Okay, let's go." Tabatha said. Meanwhile in the basement I got into contact with a bomb expert. "This is Zack, from the image you sent the device appers to be a time switched semtex thermalbarrale explosive. It's advanced and extremely dangerous." Zack said. "Is there a way to stop it?" I asked. "How much time is left?" Zack said. "7 minutes, 43 seconds." I said. "There's no time to send in a team. You need to evacuate immediately." Zack said. "Is there a way to disable it from here?" I asked. "Not unless you know the password. Only a password will disable it on site otherwise it must be deactivated remotely by whoever is controlling it. You'll be locked out after three tries. Do you have any idea what the password would be?" Zack said. "I'll try the name of the operation first." I said as I typed in the name of the operation which is snakeskin but it didn't work. "Zack, is everyone out of the orphanage?" I asked. "Evacuation is in process." Zack said. Meanwhile on the main floor Ariel ran into Alyssa. "Alyssa, there are some kids stuck on the third floor." Ariel said. "Ariel, what are you doing? Get out of the building!" Alyssa said. "Dr. Oliver is trying to defuse the bomb right now." Ariel said. "Miss Kaitlyn, help the kids on the third floor. I'll help the kids on this floor. And Ariel, for the last time get out of here!" Alyssa said. Meanwhile in the basement I was still trying to defuse the bomb. I contacted Ariel and she told me that the whole orphanage was almost clear. I tried Reefside but it didn't work. Meanwhile at Mesagog's lab Mesagog told George to do what he has to do to delay them from removing the device after George noticed that they were catching on to what he is intending to do. Back at the hospital they got the device out. But as soon as they got the device out John's heart rate started to climb and he started sizing. They were losing him. Meanwhile at Mesagog's lab Master Xandred told Mesagog that he's not deactivating the bomb. Meanwhile in the basement of the orphanage I have less than a minute to figure out what the password is. "Think Tommy, think. What would Mesagog use?" I asked myself. Then I remembered what one of the subs was called. "Halsinky, that's got to be it." I said as I typed it in and it worked, and with only 15 seconds left. Back at the hospital they were trying to get John's heart to beat again. A charge of 360 got his heart to start beating again. Back at the orphanage Ariel told me that everyone was out. "I also deactivated the bomb." I said. "Good. I have something to tell you. Just get out here." Ariel said. I got out and Ariel was talking to Dr. Walsh on the phone. "How's John?" Ariel asked. "He's out of surgery and in recovery now. We were able to remove the device." Dr. Walsh said. "That's good to hear." Ariel said. "We'll keep it safe until we give it to the authorities." Dr. Walsh said. "Alright, thanks Dr. Walsh." Ariel said before hanging up. Then she noticed me. "Hey Tommy." She said. "Hey, so what is it that you wanted to tell me?" I asked. "It's just that when John decided to get the device removed and you decided to try to deactivate the bomb, I was afraid that I was going to lose you and John. I'm just glad that you're okay. And John is out of surgery and in recovery right now. And he said that the surgery went as planned." Ariel said. "Well, we needed something to go normal." I said. "Yeah, normal." Ariel said. We made our way back to the hospital and when we got there Virginia was about to leave when I stopped her. "Hey Virginia. Fancy meeting you here. The bomb scare at the orphanage, it really makes you reevaluate life, doesn't it?" I asked.

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