Kissing Danny

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I kissed Danny at lunch today . I felt so bad after I did it. I saw the pink ladies staring at me. Oh no I said.

All six of us were hanging out later that night. Sandy Frenchy said Alyssa kissed Danny.

I'm very disappointed in you Sandy said to me.

I tried to not cry in front of everyone.

It's okay there there please don't cry Frenchy said.

It's okay it's okay Rizzo said scratching my back.

It's okay baby Marty said.

There there it's okay Jan said.

There there don't cry Sandy said trying to comfort me. Shh shh it's okay don't cry. Shh please don't cry.

Somebody's fussy.

Do you want me to scratch your back Sandy asked? Are you sleepy sweetie?

No no no I said crying.

I didn't yell at you.

Shh shh don't cry my little dove.

You're breaking my heart.

Are you alright?

She's just sleepy.

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