Star crossed lovers

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I opened my eyes, i was tucked into the sheets as if i was a baby. I checked the time, 8:30am. I had a flight planned for 3:00pm. I turned over expecting to see Dhar, but he was no where to be seen. I sat up slowly, extremely sore from the night before. I grabbed a piece of paper that had been left on the nightstand, it read:

Hey y/n, it's Dhar. I'm so sorry i had to leave, but i needed to get to the studio to finish filming. I hope you had as much fun as i did last night, i had never felt so free. I will be there to say goodbye at the airport.

I felt like i was going to cry. I didn't want to leave. Plus, i was going to have to tell everyone about what happened. I didn't want to leave Dhar, he was my first love. My only love.

I had packed up my things and looked at my phone, 2:00pm. I also had hundreds of notifications. I went to the lobby where dozens of people were taking photos and cheering. I felt like a celebrity. I got in a cab and was driven to the airport. I got to the airport and looked everywhere for Dhar, but he was no where to be found. I couldn't leave without saying goodbye.
"Flight 1759 to [your town] is boarding now" I had to board. I started to walk toward my gate.
"Y/N! Y/N WAIT!!!" It was Dhar running towards me. I ran to him too. He embraced his arms around me.
"I will never forget you, y/n, you truly are very special. I know you will go to a good college and find someone new, but i am glad i was able to have you for this short amount of time." He said.
I kissed him and started to walk away.
"Star crossed lovers, always and forever." I mumbled to myself. I boarded the plane and watched as I left the city where i met my soulmate.

After 40 years, i remember the time, and remember how i never found another lover, and raised the twins i had with Dhar Mann by myself. I will never know if Dhar found someone new, but i know he has heard about me, considering the awards i've won. Years before now, i made many guinuess book of world records for the biggest amount of youtube merchandise for one channel with an amount of 100,000 articles of clothing. Every piece of clothing own is from Dhar. I even have a tattoo of him on my torso.
To this day, i still dream of meeting Dhar again.
The end 🤪.

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