The end of a new relationship

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Y/n: Your name

C/n: Channel name

N/n: Nickname



Mind: Ugh my head hurts and what even happened last night it's like one moment I was watching movies and that's all I can rememeber..

You checked your phone messages to see how many view you got on your new video which was a collab with the Krew where you guys were playing UNO but while doing that you realised you had notifications from Instagram you decided to check who messaged you and saw that it was Allen


Miss you already, I enjoyed the moment we shared last night❤

Soon after reading that text you remembered what happened between you and Allen the other night you couldn't really express how you felt but it was mostly joy then you remembered that the Krew left for Toronto which made you sad but there was nothing you could do or was there(heehehe)
Instead of leaving yourAllen on read you texted him back

Icon: (You👸)

Miss you lots!💕

You wondered what you could do for the time being ao you decided to go to a cafe and make a video playing Among Us with some of your fans




hen you don't have any motivation to write a chapter but haven't made one in two days.

[Time skip]

At around 2pm after you made your video and posted it you got a text from your friend, (Pamela),
Asking if you wanted to go to the movie theatre of course you said yes and got prepared.

[Time skip]

Pamela: Finally you made it I was waiting forever...

Y/n: Sorry I was running a bit late..

Pamela: Ooo~ is it that boy you've been telling me about

Y/n: I- No it's not plus who moved to Toronto.

Pamela: Oh sorry to hear about that

Y/n: No it's okay plus we do talk every now and then.

Pamela: Okay well let's go to the theatre.


In the theatre

Pamela: Hey N/n..

Y/n: What's the matter?

Pamela: Well the thing is I snuck in some snacks because the prices here are just crazy!

Y/n: Don't worry I won't snitch just give me some.


After hanging out with Pamela you decided to go home and face time Allen. Which didn't end well....

All you heard was screaming from the other line and for your info Betty is the one who answered Allen's phone lol

To sum stuff up Betty just said Allen with call you back later and dropped the call interesting isn't it?

End of chapter lol

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