Doll 🐇

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Y/n's pov :

"What are you guys doing ?" Ajak asks in a tone angry enough to make me shudder and cower back . I never like it when Ajak is upset i hate to disappoint her .

"Ajak we w-" druig get's cut off by Ajak who hold her palm up signaling druig to stop talking .

"I expect better from you druig , you know that y/n isn't supposed to be awake at this time" She scolds him before turning her attention to my cowering frame .

" Y/n come" she says holding her hand out for me to take .

Druig's pov :

Y/n isn't afraid of anything due to her powers she is enabled to feel fear however she can feel regret which is what she is feeling right now .

The one thing that makes y/n  feel bad about herself is disappointing us .

I hate how Ajak treats y/n like a baby , like a doll , like an object that needs to be perfect in every way .


I hold y/n's  shaking body against mine stopping her from going to Ajak .

"Y/n come i am not going to ask you again" Ajak orders in an ever sterner tone .

Y/n wiggles out of my grip and gracefully lands on the floor from the counter top . Hanging her head low , her long hair trailing behind her as she makes her way towards Ajak taking her hand .

I watch her leave with Ajak slowly making their way back to her bedroom .

I stand in the kitchen all alone , hoping that she will come back......but she doesn't .

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