Chapter 1: Resentment

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It's a calm day in the Tortuga, and the Kratt bros are playing around with their creature power discs.
"Hey, bro! If you give me your peregrine falcon disc, you get this!" said Chris, pulling out the sperm whale disc with a flourish.
"Yeah, sounds cool to me! I already have two falcon discs anyway," said Martin, handing over the disc.
"Dios mio, why do you need to feel the need to swap them?" asked Aviva, good-naturedly.
  "It's just fun!" answered Chris, grinning. Aviva laughed. Just then, Koki entered the room.
"Hi you guys! JZ's about to get the Tortuga fired up. Where do you wanna go after we get supplies?" Martin and Chris looked at each other knowingly. They put their hands up and shouted happily:
"Mongolia!", making Koki and Aviva chuckle. Chris and Martin were always so in sync. Though one was older, they behaved like twins.
"I'll let Jimmy know. See you!" said Koki, walking to the Tortuga Control Room.


Zach had been pacing around his ship for the last half an hour, trying and failing to come up with a good plan. He'd been trying to get rid of those Wild Kratts for ages, but when he had that Chris in his grasp, he just couldn't bring himself to finish the job. It was like something in his memory was just saying 'don't do it'. What was wrong with him!? He turned to see a picture of himself in high school with a silver trophy(The picture was sitting on his desk). He went over to grab it. It made him remember that he had run away from home at fifteen to do something important, but to no avail. 'Why did I do it?' he thought. He was snapped out of his train of thought by Kit knocking on the door.
"Hello, Zach. Are you doing alright? It's nearly lunchtime."
"Yeah, I'm fine. You and Francesca have lunch without me. I need to think," came the monotonous reply. Kit took the hint and left quietly.


Man, what is up with Zach? He hasn't eaten a thing for four days straight, and whenever he's not in his room, he's pacing around. It really distracts me and Fran from work, plus it's unnerving. I'm getting worried. I just hope he hasn't come down with something. Or worse, but I'm not going to think about that. I need lunch and my publishers have a deadline for me. No use working on an empty stomach.


Argh! I can't remember a thing about what happened, all of my plans are a bust and worst of all, some of my Zachbots are malfunctioning! Goddammit, what does a guy have to do to get some ideas around here!? I guess I'll go for a walk, that could help.

"Zachbots, set a course for the city!" shouted Zach, in his usual manner. He was determined to think of something good. After all, he was a genius inventor.


In the city, Martin and Chris decided to take a walk.
"Hey, Chris! Let's do a wildlife challenge! Whoever can find the most interesting creature gets to make a power disc with its powers!" said Martin. It was a good way to kill time before they went to Mongolia, so Chris agreed. The brothers split up and went exploring. (we're going to follow Chris for the sake of the story this time)

Chris was wandering around the park when he spotted a painted bunting bird! The Kratt brothers didn't have one of those in their disc inventory! He slowly walked over to it, keeping as quiet as possible. The bird was startled though, as it flew away, Chris ran after it, he had to win! Painted bunting birds are very rare in cities, so this could be a great opportunity! He came to an abrupt stop when he saw the bird perch on a bench. Chris decided that it would be wise to observe it from further away.
  He was taking notes when he was met with a surprise. Through the trees he was hiding in, he could see Zach Varmitech! He loathed that man. Always trying to exploit animals for his robots instead of letting them roam free and in the wild, where they should be. But something about him just seemed to draw Chris in, as though they shared priceless memories. It made him confused and annoyed at the same time. He then noticed that Zach seemed troubled about something. Zach was walking around with his hands behind his back and an anxious expression on his face. He sat down on the bench and put his head in his hands. Zach then heard the Painted Bunting bird chirp, which startled him.
    "Ah! Get away, you vermin!" he yelped, shooing away the bird. Chris was mad, making him grit his teeth. He was about to shout something before he took a sharp breath and caught himself. Suddenly, he felt cold metal around his wrists and he was yanked from his hiding spot. He was dragged to and thrown in front of the inventor. Zach looked down at what the Zachbot had and was surprised. In his shock, he forgot all animosity between them. He blinked and whispered:


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Oh, damn. That was cringey. I hope not too much. Please understand my crappy ship writing style. I may have ships but I'm Ace/Aro so idk how these kind of things work.
Disclaimer: Any resemblance to real world ppl (names etc.) is purely coincidental!!!!

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