Chapter 10: Exposed!? Just Kidding!

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Once they arrived at the building, Zach put the camo mode on his ship and Martin went over the plan one more time.
"So, I explore the left side with Aviva; Koki, Jimmy and Francesca explore the right side and Zach and Kit take the underground? Seems a bit much for you two. Want any of us to go with you?"
Kit politely declined the offer.
"Zachary and I will be fine. Don't worry. Time's ticking, let's get going."
The others went in but Zach stayed behind for a moment. He looked behind him and pressed a button. Donita Donata fell from behind a tree. She got up and stared into the inventor's emerald eyes.
"Who do you think you are, sneaking around?"
"Who do you think you are, teaming up with the Wild Kratts?"
Zach gritted his teeth.
"I'm doing it to clear my name..."
"What do you mean!?"
"You're not just doing it for that. I know you, Zach."
She had it all worked out. Damn. He sighed.
"If you really want to find out, help me. Help me find Chris."
Donita raised an eyebrow. He'd never called the younger Kratt brother 'Chris' before. Never mind, Zach was already walking into the underground of the imposing building.

Inside, Zach and Donita met with Kit, who didn't even bother to feign surprise. They just directed Zach and Donita down different corridors.
As Zach was walking down the dimly-lit corridor, he heard noises. Some didn't feel human, but others were painfully familiar. He reached into his jacket and pulled out the black box. He was sure that he would need it. Zach saw something. Light! He picked up his pace until he was running. The sounds were getting louder and when he finally reached the room at the end of the corridor, he was met with a horrifying sight. A young girl was standing at a control pad whilst Chris was tied to a metal table with numerous devices pointing at him threateningly. The girl looked at the intruder.
"Oh, Zachary Varmitech. Just the man I wanted to see. It was so clever of me, wasn't it? I set the trap and this idiot here fell for it," she laughed, indicating towards Chris.
"Just let him go," said Zach, voice trembling.
"Not until you give me whatever you have in there." She was pointing at the box. Zach glanced over at Chris. The brunette was shaking his head, brown eyes wide. Zach understood, even without Chris's indications. These were too dangerous. He was gonna have to stop her another way.
"Oh, Zach. I didn't want to have to do this. Now, you'll be taking the brunt of what I did."
The girl grinned malevolently and pressed a few buttons on her control pad. Robots flew out of holes like mosquitoes, but Zach was too fast. The robots were firing lasers at him, but he managed to gain shelter. The girl was being taken away by some other bots, but before he could go after her, he saw out of the corner of his eye that the devices were warming up to fire at Chris. He didn't have much time left. Zach hurriedly opened the box and inside were glowing rings, each encased in a ball of energy. He picked out a black one and a white one. He'd never tried this combo before, but it was an emergency. He slipped each ring onto a finger and muttered an incantation. The rings turned into energy that slowly wrapped itself around Zach. The robots found him and flew towards the inventor, but the energy was too much. It knocked the robots back, breaking some, but not all.
Once the smoke cleared, there wasn't a Zach there anymore. Instead, it was a being that was half pure light, half pure darkness. He floated there for a moment, feeling the sheer power flowing through his body. Then, realising that this wasn't a good time, he flew at the robots. Merely tapping one made it blow up in a spectacular way. But he had to get Chris out of there, as well. If he destroyed the Controls using the powers, it might make the devices fire at him whether they were ready or not. He destroyed a robot that had a special chip that said 'manual override'.
Clapping his hands together and destroying the last of the bots, he flew over to the pad where just next to a timer, was a slot just big enough for the chip he was holding. He inserted it and the machines stopped. Zach landed and transformed back into his normal self. With whatever energy he had left, he untied Chris from his bounds.
"Zach...darling...y-you saved me."
"Oh, Chris. I couldn't not save you, you're too precious to me."
Chris threw himself around Zach, crying.
"I'm sorry," said Zach. Chris pulled away.
"For what?"
"Not coming sooner..."
Chris sighed. How could he ever say that kind of thing about himself? He came just in time, and for the circumstances, found Chris pretty quickly!
"Why do you do this to yourself? You know I love you. You know I hate seeing you like this. Please, just give yourself some credibility."
"I love you too Chris. That's why."
Zach pulled his boyfriend in for a kiss. He got it.

They were kissing for a while but suddenly a voice at the doorway called out: "Zach? Chris?"
They jumped apart, faces red, to see Donita and Martin standing at the door, gawping.
"Oh...hi, Martin..."
"I swear, this is not what it looks like!" exclaimed Zach.
"It looks like you two were kissing," said Martin.
"Oh. Then it's exactly what it looks like..."
Chris ran up to his brother and grabbed him by the collar desperately.
"Please don't tell anyone! If it gets out, I don't know what we'll do!"
Zach was nodding behind him. Martin and Donita reassured the couple that no, not a living soul would find out, yes, they promise, don't worry about it.
"Anyway, we've been friends for a while now," laughed Donita, indicating at Martin.
"Huh. I never knew. Well, at least we can trust you," replied Chris.
The four of them left and found their companions.
"Oh, CK, I'm so glad you're alright!" said Aviva. "I thought that something really bad had happened to you!"
She turned to Zach and Donita.
"Thanks, you two. I didn't know that you had hearts," she joked. "Maybe you can team up with us again sometime!"
"No chance," said Donita, laughing. Zach smiled back, happy that his secrets were safe and Chris was okay. All was well at last.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is my last chapter and then the epilogue. Make sure that you sub to my channel, Saltire-Moxie! Have a good day!
Disclaimer: Any resemblance to real world ppl (names etc.) is purely coincidental!!!!

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