Chapter 8: Kidnapped!?

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Martin was waiting in the kitchen for his brother to come down. Chris hadn't overslept this much since high school. Since the night that he'd almost hurt Martin. Chris suddenly stumbled downstairs looking a mess.
"Hey bro! Everything good?" he asked.
"I should be asking you that question! You've been behaving weirdly lately," Martin sighed, going over to his brother.
"I'm okay...why?" Chris was nervous all of a sudden. Martin explained Chris's distance from him and the fact of his tiredness. Chris laughed it off, lying through his teeth. The older of the two knew that something was wrong, but he couldn't place his finger on what. He sighed and waved the brunette [i just realised something. if 'ette' is used for female things/ppl then how would you say a gender-neutral/male version? comment below plz] away. What could Chris Kratt have to hide from his brother?


Zach Varmitech was staring wistfully out of the window, hoping that Chris was okay, as Donita was giving the villains a lecture on colourful animals and their abilities, with Dabio occasionally interrupting her. Zach didn't notice Donita trying to snap him out of his daydream, because the next thing he knew, Gourmand had painfully elbowed him in the ribs.
"Ow! What the hell was that about!?" he yelped.
"Zachary, are you alright? You're..." Donita struggled to find the right word.
  "Distant?" he suggested, helpfully.
   "Yes. Why?"
Zach paused. Then a crash. Oh no. What had fallen? He hoped it was a malfunctioning Zachbot or just gravity.
The villains went to investigate while Paisley started spilling detective-like theories that were unnerving to the inventor.
"The volume and sound of the crash makes me think that someone knocked into it or pushed it over. Maybe you have an intruder. get some Guard-bots ready, my friend," she said. Zach gulped as Rex and Dabio found a locked door.
"You and I can break this door down," said Dabio, indicating to Gourmand.
"Don't worry, Zachary. If there's an intruder, we'll take whoever it is down," Donita smiled, noticing his worried expression. He nodded, unable to smile. What actions would have to be taken to make sure that the others didn't find out about his friends? Would he be forced to use his Treasures to prevent them from ever talking to him, or worse? All of his questions would be answered as the door fell and Rex shouted at someone. The villains bolted into the room, Donita having to drag Zach along.
"STOP! THIEF! WE'RE THE ONES WHO STEAL THINGS AROUND HERE!" Paisley shouted, chasing after a figure. Suddenly[PINAPPLES] the figure shot a beam that hit Paisley and paralysed her for a moment, but it enraged the others. They chased after the shadow, only to find that there was another. Zach tried to divert the others, but his attempts were futile. Dabio, Donita, Gourmand, Paisley (no longer paralysed) and Rex backed the two people into a corner.
"What the hell are you doing here, huh? If you don't answer, you're dead!" Gourmand yelled.
"I'll be nice and count to three. One...two...thr-" midway through her sentence, Paisley gasped in shock as Zach Varmitech ran in front of these thieves, protectively.
"Don't do it. Just don't," he whispered.
"Why not? They tried to steal your things. They don't belong here."
  "Yes, they do! These, fellow villains, are my friends."

After Kit, Francesca and Zach explained themselves, the others were shocked.
"Do you actually have powers? Is that how you paralysed Paisley!?" asked Rex. Kit nodded.
"Chessie and I basically have the powers of gods. Zachary doesn't have any powers though, but he has helped us in priceless ways."
"We're rather honoured to be his friends if I do say so myself," smiled Francesca. Zach shook his head.
"Really, you two. Most of my plans would have failed if you weren't there."
"To be honest," said Donita. "It's good to have a sidekick, or a friend, to help you out."
   "Hey, did you really think that we'd try and steal your powers?" asked Gourmand, looking a little hurt.
"I'm really sorry, but yes, I did. I was being paranoid," sighed Zach.
"Well, in our defence, in this world, we don't really know who to trust," laughed Francesca, bitterly. Donita raised an eyebrow. 'We'? What was she saying? And why was Zach so distant earlier? She hadn't forgotten about that. No, she had to find out.


The Kratt bros were helping Aviva rebuild her tech whilst Koki and Jimmy fixed the mapping technology when they got a call from a Kratt Kid.
"Wild Kratts! I need your help! Donita has teamed up with a new villain and is trying to make Gila Monsters into handbags!" she exclaimed. Chris gasped.
"We'll be right there. Hang tight, Ellie!"

In the Senora Desert, the Wild Kratts were searching for Ellie or a sign of Donita.
"Who's this new villain, I wonder?" contemplated Koki. Aviva agreed with her. A new villain? This was going to be problematic. Sunset was just around the corner and the desert was dead, other than the wildlife.
"We should split up, to cover more ground," Aviva suggested. Martin wanted to stay with his brother. What if he got lost again?
"No way! Splitting up is what dooms everyone in horror movies. I'm staying with you guys."
"Martin, relax. We'll meet back at the Tortuga when it's dark," sighed Chris.
"Yeah, MK! We've been here so many times, we know this place like the back of our hands," said Jimmy, reassuringly. Martin had to agree. How bad could it possibly get?
[following Chris again for story purposes]
Chris Kratt was exploring the desert when he saw what looked like a pink jet! Donita! He could spy on her with the gear that Zach gave him. Just thinking about him brightened Chris's mood. He went into the pink jet, which was conveniently open, but it looked nothing like last time. Then he heard a young girl's voice. He was brutally ambushed by some homemade robots and though he tried to fight back, there were too many of them. The last thing he saw before it all faded to black was...Ellie!?

It was dark now and the Wild Kratts had been waiting for Chris for an hour.
"Where is he!? I'm worried," said Aviva. They tried to call him but his CP wasn't working. Then they got a call from someone.
"Hello, Wild Rats. You really believed that there was an emergency!? So foolish. I have your precious Chris, and there is NOTHING you can do about it unless you give me all of your creature power discs!" the figure on the screen laughed evilly. Martin had tears in his eyes.
"To f*ck with you!" he shouted, angrily. Then he hung up and turned to his friends.
"Only Zach would do something like this. He's obsessed with our discs, plus he's the only one who calls us Wild Rats. We have to get Chris back!" Martin yelled, shakily. Aviva put a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"I wouldn't put it past him, but don't worry. We will get Chris back, I promise," she said. Martin smiled sadly. He hoped that his brother was okay.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Buenos Dias! I'm hoping you're enjoying the book. That's all I have to say, bye.
Disclaimer: Any resemblance to real world ppl (names etc.) is purely coincidental!!!!

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