Chapter 7: My Boyfriend

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6:30 am. A beeping alarm. Zach smacked the alarm clock off of the table, making it break.
"Damn. That's the fourth one this week, "he sighed, tired. A zachbot held a coat hanger, waiting for Zach. As he slipped into his clothes, the bot reminded him of Chris needing to go.
"I know. I'll get him up..."
Chris Kratt woke up to a knock on the door.
"We have to leave. Hurry up, Kit and Francesca are on their way back," came Zach's voice. Chris responded and got dressed quickly.
Chris couldn't find Zach anywhere as he walked through the halls of Zach's jet. He came to a red door that stood out from the rest of the place. It was ajar, so he opened it to see Zach Varmitech at the controls of the jet.
He turned.
"Oh, Chris! Good to see you. What's wrong?"
"Everything good?"
Zach was taken aback by the question. It was fair though. He hadn't looked like he'd slept last night.
"Yeah, just couldn't sleep."
Chris came up beside him and pressed autopilot.
"You shouldn't be flying a plane when you're tired. What happened?"
"Well, do you remember me?"
"Um, what kind of question is that? Of course, I remember you! We've been friends for, what, 5 weeks?"
Zach shook his head.
"No, we haven't. It's been a lot longer than that. About 10 years."
Chris gawped. Had Zach gone mad!?
"It's true. A while ago, I used this to wipe everyone's memories, including my own, of younger me," he said, pulling out a device.
"When I ran away from home, I knew that my parents were going to come after me, so I made the memory wiper. That's why you hated me up until now. You only knew the villain in me. But I think I'm going to deactivate the machine, only for you and me. It's important. Nobody else can know," he said.
"Why?" asked Chris.
"I don't know for certain. But there's a reason. I can just feel it," replied Zach. He asked his friend if he was ready for the reinstatement. Chris nodded. Zach pressed the button and it was like a wave crashing over him. Chris remembered everything. From the day they met to the night that Zach said he was leaving and the feeling of being suffocated that same night.

Zach decided to be the first to speak after the long silence that followed.
"Something else has been on my mind lately," he said, not meeting Chris's eyes.
"I-I've just been thinking, maybe I should become good."
Chris beamed, which after some thinking, turned into a frown.
"What made you think this all of a sudden?"
"Probably that fact that I'm a useless villain. So therefore, I must be good at, well, being good!"
He couldn't fault Zach's logic, but he didn't like seeing him put himself down.
"You're not a useless villain," he comforted. It felt strange telling a bad guy that he wasn't all bad at his job and perhaps inspiring him to make more evil plans.
"Yeah I am. I'm also a useless person. My company hasn't even gotten any revenue in the last two months. I'm having to rely on my...friends', to pay the bills," Zach sighed, embarrassed.
"What evidence do you even have that you're not good at being a villain?"
"My plans are always ridiculous, I can NEVER work properly with the others and I can never steal things successfully! I haven't even stolen one thing myself and gotten away with it," he replied, listing every single thing on his fingers. Chris sighed. The man standing in front of him was a great guy, but why was he always saying this kind of thing? He was like this as a kid, too. He heard a voice telling him to do something. Telling him that it was time. Realising how strongly he felt, Chris held the inventor's hand. Zach gasped quietly and looked into his deep brown eyes. There was a kind of sparkle that entranced him.
"There is one thing you've stolen," whispered Chris, getting even closer.
"What is it?"
Chris smiled to himself. He put one hand behind Zach's head and the other on his waist. Zach could see his reflection in Chris's sparkling eyes. He blushed crimson as Chris leaned in. Their lips were almost touching as the man who'd once been Zach's nemesis said:
"My heart."
He couldn't take it anymore. Zach Varmitech, the most reserved person he knew, grabbed Chris and kissed him. After a second, the two of them gently broke apart from one another.
"I love you, Zach."
"I love you too." Then they kissed again.
They were still kissing when the ship's GPS alerted them, startling them and making them jump apart.
"Oh, we're here!" said Chris, half-heartedly. He wished that he could stay with his boyfriend, but his friends would get suspicious.
"See you soon, love," smiled Zach.
"Oh, pet names already?" asked Chris. Zach blushed a little.
"Maybe," he replied. Chris was about to go in when he remembered something.
"Hey, I need to say something."
"Go on."
  "Promise me you'll go back to eating properly? I don't want anything bad to happen to you."
Zach was surprised by this show of concern. Nobody apart from Kit and Francesca had voiced this level of caring for him before.
"Okay. I promise."
Chris grinned.
"Then I'll see you around. Maybe on a date?" Chris winked and snuck into the Tortuga. He'd had such an eventful day and it wasn't even breakfast.

Author's Note: I'm going to make something more dramatic happen in the next few chapters; Chris's and Zach's love story isn't over just yet! Have a good day!
Disclaimer: Any resemblance to real world ppl (names etc.) is purely coincidental!!!!

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